IRIS: Síðast bætt við

  • Hansen, Karólína; Björnsson, Hjalti Már; Gunnbjörnsdóttir, María I. (2021-10)
    Background Diagnosing anaphylaxis is often straightforward but can be challenging if the presentation is atypical. In patients with atypical symptoms suspected to be due to an acute allergic reaction, s-tryptase can give additional diagnostic information. ...
  • Halldórsson, Arnljótur Björn; Axelsson, Gísli Þór; Jónsson, Helgi; Ísaksson, Jóhann Davíð; Harðardóttir, Hrönn; Guðmundsson, Gunnar; Hansdóttir, Sif (2021-10)
    Introduction Infections due to COVID-19 can lead to life threatening pneumonia. Accompanying severe disease are more prominent pulmonary changes on Computed Tomography (CT) scan of the chest. The goal of this study was to describe pulmonary CT changes ...
  • Hamm, Michael; Sohier, Pierre; Petit, Valérie; Raymond, Jérémy H.; Delmas, Véronique; Le Coz, Madeleine; Gesbert, Franck; Kenny, Colin; Aktary, Zackie; Pouteaux, Marie; Rambow, Florian; Sarasin, Alain; Charoenchon, Nisamanee; Bellacosa, Alfonso; Sanchez-del-Campo, Luis; Mosteo, Laura; Lauss, Martin; Meijer, Dies; Steingrímsson, Eiríkur; Jönsson, Göran B.; Cornell, Robert A.; Davidson, Irwin; Goding, Colin R.; Larue, Lionel (2021-06-17)
    While the major drivers of melanoma initiation, including activation of NRAS/BRAF and loss of PTEN or CDKN2A, have been identified, the role of key transcription factors that impose altered transcriptional states in response to deregulated signaling ...
  • Harðarson, Sveinn Hákon; Stefánsson, Einar; Bek, Toke (2021-05-12)
    Purpose According to cross-sectional studies, oxygen saturation is elevated in retinal vessels in diabetic patients. We evaluated how retinal oxygenation (metabolic marker), vessel diameters and retinopathy grade (structural markers) change over time ...
  • Hall, A. R.; Burke, N.; Dongworth, R. K.; Kalkhoran, Siavash Beikoghli; Dyson, A.; Vicencio, J. M.; Dorn, G. W.; Yellon, D. M.; Hausenloy, D. J. (2021-06-30)
    The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake in an author name. The correct author name is GW Dorn 2nd. The original article has been corrected.
  • Grönwall, Caroline; Liljefors, Lisa; Bang, Holger; Hensvold, Aase H.; Hansson, Monika; Mathsson-Alm, Linda; Israelsson, Lena; Joshua, Vijay; Svärd, Anna; Stålesen, Ragnhild; Titcombe, Philip J.; Steen, Johanna; Piccoli, Luca; Sherina, Natalia; Clavel, Cyril; Svenungsson, Elisabet; Gunnarsson, Iva; Sævarsdóttir, Sædís; Kastbom, Alf; Serre, Guy; Alfredsson, Lars; Malmström, Vivianne; Rönnelid, Johan; Catrina, Anca I.; Lundberg, Karin; Klareskog, Lars (2021-05-20)
    Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is characterized by the presence of rheumatoid factor (RF) and anti-citrullinated protein autoantibodies (ACPA) with different fine-specificities. Yet, other serum anti-modified protein autoantibodies (AMPA), e.g. ...
  • Gunnlaugsdóttir, María Rún; Linnet, Kristján; Jónsson, Jón Steinar; Blöndal, Anna Bryndís (2021-08-04)
    OBJECTIVE: To study antibiotic prescriptions among 0- to 4-year-old children before and after implementing a quality project on prudent prescribing of antibiotics in primary healthcare in the capital region of Iceland. DESIGN: An observational, ...
  • Gísladóttir, Rósa Signý (2015-01)
    The ability to repair problems with hearing or understanding in conversation is critical for successful communication. This article describes the linguistic practices of other-initiated repair (OIR) in Icelandic through quantitative and qualitative ...
  • Gillies, Malcolm B.; Burgner, David P.; Ivancic, Lorraine; Nassar, Natasha; Miller, Jessica E.; Sullivan, Sheena G.; Todd, Isobel T.M.; Pearson, Sallie Anne; Schaffer, Andrea L.; Zoéga, Helga (2021-08-17)
    Aims: Public health responses to reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission have profoundly affected the epidemiology and management of other infections. We examined the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on antibiotic dispensing in Australia. Methods: We used national ...
  • Þórarinsdóttir, Brynhildur (2022-02-02)
    Myndbandasamkeppnin Siljan er skapandi lestrarverkefni fyrir nemendur í 5.–10. bekk, en það er Barnabókasetur sem stendur fyrir keppninni. Nemendur velja nýlega barnaeða ungmennabók og hafa frjálsar hendur við að skapa myndband um hana. Markmiðið er ...
  • Klinke, Marianne Elisabeth; Fernandez, Anthony Vincent (2022-01-09)
    Phenomenology has been adapted for use in qualitative health research, where it’s often used as a method for conducting interviews and analyzing interview data. But how can phenomenologists study subjects who cannot accurately reflect upon or report ...
  • Faundes, Víctor; Goh, Stephanie; Akilapa, Rhoda; Bezuidenhout, Heidre; Björnsson, Hans Tómas; Bradley, Lisa; Brady, Angela F.; Brischoux-Boucher, Elise; Brunner, Han; Bulk, Saskia; Canham, Natalie; Cody, Declan; Dentici, Maria Lisa; Digilio, Maria Cristina; Elmslie, Frances; Fry, Andrew E.; Gill, Harinder; Hurst, Jane; Johnson, Diana; Julia, Sophie; Lachlan, Katherine; Lebel, Robert Roger; Byler, Melissa; Gershon, Eric; Lemire, Edmond; Gnazzo, Maria; Lepri, Francesca Romana; Marchese, Antonia; McEntagart, Meriel; McGaughran, Julie; Mizuno, Seiji; Okamoto, Nobuhiko; Rieubland, Claudine; Rodgers, Jonathan; Sasaki, Erina; Scalais, Emmanuel; Scurr, Ingrid; Suri, Mohnish; van der Burgt, Ineke; Matsumoto, Naomichi; Miyake, Noriko; Benoit, Valérie; Lederer, Damien; Banka, Siddharth (2021-07)
    Purpose: The variant spectrum and the phenotype of X-linked Kabuki syndrome type 2 (KS2) are poorly understood. Methods: Genetic and clinical details of new and published individuals with pathogenic KDM6A variants were compiled and analyzed. Results: ...
  • Emilsson, Valur; Guðmundsson, Elías F.; Aspelund, Thor; Jónsson, Brynjólfur G.; Guðjónsson, Alexander; Launer, Lenore J.; Lamb, John R.; Guðmundsdóttir, Valborg; Jennings, Lori L.; Guðnason, Vilmundur G. (2020-12-16)
    Objective: As severity of outcome in COVID-19 is disproportionately higher among individuals with obesity, smokers, patients with hypertension, kidney disease, chronic pulmonary disease, coronary heart disease (CHD), and/or type 2 diabetes (T2D), serum ...
  • Edwards, Lindsey; Marschark, Marc; Kronenberger, William G.; Crowe, Kathryn; Walton, Dawn (2020-06-11)
    Understanding nonliteral language requires inferencing ability and is an important but complex aspect of social interaction, involving cognitive (e.g., theory of mind, executive function) as well as language skill, areas in which many deaf individuals ...
  • Edmunds, Kyle J.; Okonkwo, Ozioma C.; Sigurðsson, Sigurður; Lose, Sarah R.; Guðnason, Vilmundur G.; Carraro, Ugo; Gargiulo, Paolo (2021-10-11)
    Although previous studies have highlighted the association between physical activity and lower extremity function (LEF) in elderly individuals, the mechanisms underlying this relationship remain debated. Our recent work has recognized the utility of ...
  • Dillard, Pierre; Köksal, Hakan; Maggadóttir, Sólrún Melkorka; Winge-Main, Anna; Pollmann, Sylvie; Menard, Mathilde; Myhre, Marit Renée; Mælandsmo, Gunhild M.; Flørenes, Vivi Ann; Gaudernack, Gustav; Kvalheim, Gunnar; Wälchli, Sébastien; Inderberg, Else Marit (2021-03-03)
    T cell receptor (TCR)-engineered T cell therapy is a promising cancer treatment approach. Human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) is overexpressed in the majority of tumors and a potential target for adoptive cell therapy. We isolated a novel ...
  • Davidson, Sean M.; Lukhna, Kishal; Gorog, Diana A.; Salama, Alan D.; Castillo, Alejandro Rosell; Giesz, Sara; Golforoush, Pelin; Kalkhoran, Siavash Beikoghli; Lecour, Sandrine; Imamdin, Aqeela; do Carmo, Helison R.P.; Bovi, Ticiane Gonçalez; Perroud, Mauricio W.; Ntsekhe, Mpiko; Sposito, Andrei C.; Yellon, Derek M. (2021-07-07)
    The original article has been corrected. Author “Dereks M. Yellon” should be “Derek M. Yellon.”.
  • Deelen, Joris; Evans, Daniel S.; Arking, Dan E.; Tesi, Niccolò; Nygaard, Marianne; Liu, Xiaomin; Wojczynski, Mary K.; Biggs, Mary L.; van der Spek, Ashley; Atzmon, Gil; Ware, Erin B.; Sarnowski, Chloé; Smith, Albert V.; Seppälä, Ilkka; Cordell, Heather J.; Dose, Janina; Amin, Najaf; Arnold, Alice M.; Ayers, Kristin L.; Barzilai, Nir; Becker, Elizabeth J.; Beekman, Marian; Blanché, Hélène; Christensen, Kaare; Christiansen, Lene; Collerton, Joanna C.; Cubaynes, Sarah; Cummings, Steven R.; Davies, Karen; Debrabant, Birgit; Deleuze, Jean François; Duncan, Rachel; Faul, Jessica D.; Franceschi, Claudio; Galan, Pilar; Guðnason, Vilmundur G.; Harris, Tamara B.; Huisman, Martijn; Hurme, Mikko A.; Jagger, Carol; Jansen, Iris; Jylhä, Marja; Kähönen, Mika; Karasik, David; Kardia, Sharon L.R.; Kingston, Andrew; Kirkwood, Thomas B.L.; Launer, Lenore J.; Lehtimäki, Terho; Lieb, Wolfgang; Lyytikäinen, Leo Pekka; Martin-Ruiz, Carmen; Min, Junxia; Nebel, Almut; Newman, Anne B.; Nie, Chao; Nohr, Ellen A.; Orwoll, Eric S.; Perls, Thomas T.; Province, Michael A.; Psaty, Bruce M.; Raitakari, Olli T.; Reinders, Marcel J.T.; Robine, Jean Marie; Rotter, Jerome I.; Sebastiani, Paola; Smith, Jennifer; Sørensen, Thorkild I.A.; Taylor, Kent D.; Uitterlinden, André G.; van der Flier, Wiesje; van der Lee, Sven J.; van Duijn, Cornelia M.; van Heemst, Diana; Vaupel, James W.; Weir, David; Ye, Kenny; Zeng, Yi; Zheng, Wanlin; Holstege, Henne; Kiel, Douglas P.; Lunetta, Kathryn L.; Slagboom, P. Eline; Murabito, Joanne M. (2021-04-23)
    The original version of this Article contained an error in Fig. 1c, in which the top SNP was incorrectly labelled ‘rs4293358’. The correct label is ‘rs429358’. This has been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.
  • Guan, David; Comite, Ubaldo; Sial, Muhammad Safdar; Salman, Asma; Zhang, Boyao; Gunnlaugsson, Stefán Bjarni; Mentel, Urszula; Mentel, Grzegorz (2021-12)
    Developing energy from renewable sources and modernizing the energy system are critical components of China’s efforts to combat climate change. Policymakers and authorities have made significant attempts to bring them. However, one of the major impediments ...
  • Cuschieri, Sarah; Pallari, Elena; Terzic, Natasa; Alkerwi, Ala'a; Sigurðardóttir, Árún Kristín (2021-03-29)
    Background Diabetes is a global epidemic affecting every country. Small countries, however, face distinctive challenges related to their health system governance and their ability to implement effective health systems' reforms. The aim of this research ...