IRIS: Síðast bætt við

  • Garðarsdóttir, Ólöf; Rúnarsdóttir, Eyrún María; Hauksson, Guðjón (2022-12-13)
    Jón Torfi Jónasson hefur á ferli sínum dregið fram hið lítt öfundsverða hlutskipti íslenskra framhaldskólanema sem birtist í miklu brotthvarfi þeirra frá námi. Í þessari rannsókn er sjónum beint að framhaldsskólasókn, þar sem kannaðar eru líkur á því ...
  • Galan-Lopez, Pablo; Gísladóttir, Thordis; Pihu, Maret; Sánchez-Oliver, Antonio J.; Ries, Francis; Domínguez, Raúl (2022-11-22)
    The benefits of physical fitness (PF) for health are well-known. Low PF significantly contributes to the prevalence of obesity in adolescents, with an increased risk of developing chronic diseases. The objectives of the present study were to explore ...
  • Kristbergsdóttir, Hlín; Hafsteinsson, Leifur Geir; Einarsdóttir, Arney (2008)
    Alþekkt er að vinnuumhverfi hins opinbera og einkageirans er ólíkt á allmörgum sviðum. Megintilgangur þessarar rannsóknar var að bera saman upplifun starfsfólks í einkareknum fyrirtækjum og hjá opinberum stofnunum á ýmsum vinnusálfræðilegum þáttum. ...
  • Eiríksdóttir, Elsa (2022-12-13)
    Ein af helstu áskorunum starfsmenntunar á framhaldsskólastigi er hvernig hægt er að breyta þeirri ímynd að starfsmenntun sé blindgata í menntakerfinu. Þessi áskorun er oft rædd út frá eflingu starfsmenntunar og er yfirleitt átt við hvernig hægt er að ...
  • Peralta-Santos, André; Ahmed, Syed Masud; Gimbel, Sarah; Sorensen, Reed; Covele, Alfredo; Kawakatsu, Yoshito; Wagenaar, Bradley H.; Augusto, Orvalho; Ásbjörnsdóttir, Kristjana Hrönn; Gloyd, Stephen S.; Cuembelo, Fatima; Sherr, Kenneth (2022-02-28)
    In 2019, 93% of road traffic injury related mortality occurred in low- and middle-income countries, an estimated burden of 1.3 million deaths. This problem is growing; by 2030 road traffic injury will the seventh leading cause of death globally. This ...
  • Tickell, KD; Denno, DM; Saleem, A; Ali, A; Kazi, Z; Singa, BO; Otieno, C; Mutinda, C; Ochuodho, V; Richardson, BA; Ásbjörnsdóttir, KH; Hawes, SE; Berkley, JA; Walson, JL (2022-09-20)
    Objectives: To determine whether gut permeability is associated with post-discharge growth and systemic inflammation among hospitalized children in low- and middle-income countries. Methods: Children aged 2-23 months being discharged from Civil Hospital ...
  • Oudin, Anna; Bjursten, Henrik; Oudin Åström, Daniel; Nozohoor, Shahab; Ahmad, Khalil; Tang, Mariann; Bjurbom, Markus; Hansson, Emma C.; Jeppsson, Anders; Moeller, Christian H.; Jormalainen, Mikko; Juvonen, Tatu; Mennander, Ari; Olsen, Peter S.; Olsson, Christian; Ahlsson, Anders; Pan, Emily; Raivio, Peter; Wickbom, Anders; Sjögren, Johan; Geirsson, Arnar; Gudbjartsson, Tomas; Zindovic, Igor (2022-11-29)
    Previous studies have demonstrated that environmental and temporal factors may affect the incidence of acute type A aortic dissection (ATAAD). Here, we aimed to investigate the hypothesis that national holidays and weekends influence the incidence of ...
  • Ocak, Gurbey; Boenink, Rianne; Noordzij, Marlies; Bos, Willem Jan W.; Vikse, Bjorn E.; Cases, Aleix; Kerschbaum, Julia; Helve, Jaakko; Nordio, Maurizio; Arici, Mustafa; Mercadal, Lucile; Wanner, Christoph; Palsson, Runolfur; Hommel, Kristine; De Meester, Johan; Kostopoulou, Myrto; Santamaria, Rafael; Rodrigo, Emilio; Rydell, Helena; Bell, Samira; Massy, Ziad A.; Jager, Kitty J.; Kramer, Anneke (2022-04-18)
    Importance: During the past decades, improvements in the prevention and management of myocardial infarction, stroke, and pulmonary embolism have led to a decline in cardiovascular mortality in the general population. However, it is unknown whether ...
  • Maggadóttir, Sólrún Melkorka; Kvalheim, Gunnar; Wernhoff, Patrik; Sæbøe-Larssen, Stein; Revheim, Mona Elisabeth; Josefsen, Dag; Wälchli, Sébastien; Helland, Åslaug; Inderberg, Else Marit (2022-11-10)
    Background: Adoptive cellular therapy (ACT) with genetically modified T cells aims to redirect T cells against resistant cancers through introduction of a T cell receptor (TCR). The Radium-4 TCR was isolated from a responding patient in a cancer ...
  • Mishra, Aniket; Duplaà, Cecile; Vojinovic, Dina; Suzuki, Hideaki; Sargurupremraj, Muralidharan; Zilhão, Nuno R.; Li, Shuo; Bartz, Traci M.; Jian, Xueqiu; Zhao, Wei; Hofer, Edith; Wittfeld, Katharina; Harris, Sarah E.; Van Der Auwera-Palitschka, Sandra; Luciano, Michelle; Bis, Joshua C.; Adams, Hieab H.H.; Satizabal, Claudia L.; Gottesman, Rebecca F.; Gampawar, Piyush G.; Bülow, Robin; Weiss, Stefan; Yu, Miao; Bastin, Mark E.; Lopez, Oscar L.; Vernooij, Meike W.; Beiser, Alexa S.; Völker, Uwe; Kacprowski, Tim; Soumare, Aicha; Smith, Jennifer A.; Knopman, David S.; Morris, Zoe; Zhu, Yicheng; Rotter, Jerome I.; Dufouil, Carole; Valdes Hernández, Maria; Muñoz Maniega, Susana; Lathrop, Mark; Boerwinkle, Erik; Schmidt, Reinhold; Ihara, Masafumi; Mazoyer, Bernard; Yang, Qiong; Joutel, Anne; Tournier-Lasserve, Elizabeth; Launer, Lenore J.; Deary, Ian J.; Mosley, Thomas H.; Gudnason, Vilmundur (2022-06-01)
    Cerebral small vessel disease is a leading cause of stroke and a major contributor to cognitive decline and dementia, but our understanding of specific genes underlying the cause of sporadic cerebral small vessel disease is limited. We report a genome-wide ...
  • Murphy, Rachel A.; Tintle, Nathan; Harris, William S.; Darvishian, Maryam; Marklund, Matti; Virtanen, Jyrki K.; Hantunen, Sari; De Mello, Vanessa D.; Tuomilehto, Jaakko; Lindstr m, Jaana; Bolt, Matthew A.; Brouwer, Ingeborg A.; Wood, Alexis C.; Senn, MacKenzie; Redline, Susan; Tsai, Michael Y.; Gudnason, Vilmundur; Eiriksdottir, Gudny; Lindberg, Eva; Shadyab, Aladdin H.; Liu, Buyun; Carnethon, Mercedes; Uusitupa, Matti; Djousse, Luc; Ris rus, Ulf; Lind, Lars; Van Dam, Rob M.; Koh, Woon Puay; Shi, Peilin; Siscovick, David; Lemaitre, Rozenn N.; Mozaffarian, Dariush (2022-07-06)
    In the originally published version of this manuscript, "difficulty falling sleeping" was used instead of "difficulty falling asleep" throughout. The authors apologize for this error. This error has been corrected online.
  • Lahti, Jari; Tuominen, Samuli; Yang, Qiong; Pergola, Giulio; Ahmad, Shahzad; Amin, Najaf; Armstrong, Nicola J.; Beiser, Alexa; Bey, Katharina; Bis, Joshua C.; Boerwinkle, Eric; Bressler, Jan; Campbell, Archie; Campbell, Harry; Chen, Qiang; Corley, Janie; Cox, Simon R.; Davies, Gail; De Jager, Philip L.; Derks, Eske M.; Faul, Jessica D.; Fitzpatrick, Annette L.; Fohner, Alison E.; Ford, Ian; Fornage, Myriam; Gerring, Zachary; Grabe, Hans J.; Grodstein, Francine; Gudnason, Vilmundur; Simonsick, Eleanor; Holliday, Elizabeth G.; Joshi, Peter K.; Kajantie, Eero; Kaprio, Jaakko; Karell, Pauliina; Kleineidam, Luca; Knol, Maria J.; Kochan, Nicole A.; Kwok, John B.; Leber, Markus; Lam, Max; Lee, Teresa; Li, Shuo; Loukola, Anu; Luck, Tobias; Marioni, Riccardo E.; Mather, Karen A.; Medland, Sarah; Mirza, Saira S.; Nalls, Mike A. (2022-08-16)
    Understanding the genomic basis of memory processes may help in combating neurodegenerative disorders. Hence, we examined the associations of common genetic variants with verbal short-term memory and verbal learning in adults without dementia or stroke ...
  • Einarsdóttir, Jóhanna; Hreinsdóttir, Anna Magnea (2022-12-13)
    Árið 2006 gaf dr. Jón Torfi Jónasson, prófessor út bókina Frá gæslu til skóla: Um þróun leikskóla á Íslandi. Þar greindi hann þróun leikskólastigsins frá mörgum ólíkum sjónarhornum, fjallaði m.a. um stöðugleika orðræðunnar um leikskóla og um hvað umræður ...
  • Björnsdóttir, Amalía; Christophersen, Knut Andreas; Elstad, Eyvind; Jóhannsdóttir, Thurídur; Turmo, Are (2022-05-18)
    The focus in this study is on the antecedents of Icelandic student teachers’ instructional self-efficacy in classroom management and ability to support learner engagement. We examine how student teachers’ instructional self-efficacy relates to their ...
  • Majcen Rosker, Ziva; Vodicar, Miha; Kristjansson, Eythor (2022-07)
    Cervical afferent input is believed to affect postural balance and oculomotor control in neck pain patients, but its relationship to cervicocephalic kinesthesia, describing movement sense, has not yet been studied. The aim of this study was to analyze ...
  • Kristinsdottir, Eyrun A.; Sigvaldason, Kristinn; Kárason, Sigurbergur; Jónasdóttir, Rannveig Jóna; Böðvarsdóttir, Regína; Ólafsson, Oddur; Tryggvason, Geir; Guðbjartsson, Tómas; Sigurðsson, Martin Ingi (2022-06-24)
    Background: Tracheostomies are commonly utilized in ICU patients due to prolonged mechanical ventilation, upper airway obstruction, or surgery in the face/neck region. However, practices regarding the timing of placement and utilization vary. This study ...
  • Bessone, Fernando; Björnsson, Einar Stefán (2022-07-27)
    Immunological checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have revolutionized therapy of many different malignanices. Concomitant immune-mediated adverse effects are common and can affect many organs such as the skin, lungs, gastrointestinal and endocrine organs as ...
  • Yildiz, Berivan; Allan, Simon; Bakan, Misa; Barnestein-Fonseca, Pilar; Berger, Michael; Boughey, Mark; Christen, Andri; De Simone, Gustavo G.; Egloff, Martina; Ellershaw, John; Elsten, Eline E.C.M.; Eychmüller, Steffen; Fischer, Claudia; Fürst, Carl Johan; Geijteman, Eric C.T.; Goldraij, Gabriel; Goossensen, Anne; Hálfdánardóttir, Svandís Íris; Haugen, Dagny Faksvåg; Hedman, Christel; Hoppe, Tanja; Hughes, Rosemary; Iversen, Grethe Skorpen; Joshi, Melanie; Kodba-Ceh, Hana; Korfage, Ida J.; Lunder, Urska; Lüthi, Nora; Martín-Roselló, Maria Luisa; Mason, Stephen; Mcglinchey, Tamsin; Montilla, Silvi; Rasmussen, Birgit H.; Ruiz-Torreras, Inmaculada; Schelin, Maria E.C.; Sigurdardottir, Katrin Ruth; Sigurdardottir, Valgerdur; Simon, Judith; Smeding, Ruthmarijke; Solvåg, Kjersti; Strupp, Julia; Tripodoro, Vilma; Van Der Kuy, Hugo M.; Van Der Rijt, Carin C.D.; Van Zuylen, Lia; Veloso, Verónica I.; Vibora-Martin, Eva; Voltz, Raymond; Zambrano, Sofia C.; Van Der Heide, Agnes (2022-08-01)
    Introduction Adequately addressing the needs of patients at the end of life and their relatives is pivotal in preventing unnecessary suffering and optimising their quality of life. The purpose of the iLIVE study is to contribute to high-quality ...
  • Karlsson, Lene; Nyvold, Charlotte Guldborg; Soboli, Anastasia; Johansson, Pegah; Palmqvist, Lars; Tierens, Anne; Hasle, Henrik; Lausen, Birgitte; Jónsson, Ólafur Gísli; Jürgensen, Gitte Wulff; Ebbesen, Lene Hyldahl; Abrahamsson, Jonas; Fogelstrand, Linda (2022-12)
    Introduction: Analysis of measurable residual disease (MRD) is increasingly being implemented in the clinical care of children and adults with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). However, MRD methodologies differ and discordances in results lead to difficulties ...
  • for the EuroSIDA study group; Nikolaichuk, Myroslava; Mocroft, Amanda; Wandeler, Gilles; Szlavik, János; Gottfreðsson, Magnús; Reikvam, Dag Henrik; Svedhem, Veronica; Elinav, Hila; Laguno, Montserrat; Mansinho, Kamal; Devitt, Emma; Chkhartishvili, Nikoloz; Behrens, Georg; Bogner, Johannes; Viard, Jean Paul; Winston, Alan; Benfield, Thomas; Leen, Clifford; Fursa, Olga; Rockstroh, Jürgen; Peters, Lars (2023-02)
    Objectives: Our objective was to determine whether antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) were used according to the European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS) guidelines for people with HIV/hepatitis C virus (HCV) coinfection treated with direct-acting antivirals ...