IRIS: Síðast bætt við

  • Þorgeirsdóttir, Brynja (2024-06-03)
    Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að leiða í ljós helstu ástæður mikils brotthvarfs meðal BA nemenda í Íslensku sem öðru máli, í þeim tilgangi að leita leiða til að sporna gegn því. Aðeins um 16% nemendanna útskrifast með BA gráðu í samanburði við 53% ...
  • Eiríksson, Finnur Freyr; Nøhr, Martha Kampp; Costa, Margarida; Bodvarsdottir, Sigridur Klara; Ögmundsdóttir, Helga M; Þorsteinsdóttir, Margrét (2020-04-14)
    Breast cancer (BC) is the most prevalent type of cancer in women in western countries. BC mortality has not declined despite early detection by screening, indicating the need for better informed treatment decisions. Therefore, a novel noninvasive ...
  • Eggertsdóttir, Margrét (2023)
  • Preface 
    Yazdan Choubsaz (Polytechnic University of Valencia, 2023-12)
    The 2023 EUROCALL conference was held for the second year in a row in Reykjavik on the 15th-18th of August 2023 but this time, after three years of online conferencing, as an in-person event hosted by the VIC – Vigdís International Centre, the Vigdís ...
  • Bédi, Branislav; ChatGPT-4 C-LARA-Instance; Chiera, Belinda; Chua, Cathy; Cucchiarini, Catia; Dotte, Anne-Laure; Maizonniaux, Christèle; Marginean, Claudia; Ní Chiaráin, Neasa; Parry-Mills, Louis; Raheb, Chadi; Rayner, Manny; Simonsen, Annika; Viorica, Manolache Lucretia; Wacalie, Fabrice; Welby, Pauline; Xiang, Xiang; Zviel-Girshin, Rina (ResearchGate, 2024-03)
    ChatGPT-based Learning And Reading Assistant (C-LARA – pronounced “Clara”) is an AI- based platform which allows users to create multimodal texts designed to improve reading skills in second languages. GPT-4/ChatGPT-4 is central to the project: as well ...
  • Bédi, Branislav; Chiera, Belinda; ChatGPT-4 C-LARA-Instance; Chua, Cathy; Cucchiarin, Catia; Ní Chiaráin, Neasa; Rayner, Manny; Simonsen, Annika; Zviel-Girshin, Rina (ResearchGate, 2023-07)
    We introduce “C-LARA”, a complete reimplementation of the Learning And Reading Assistant (LARA) which puts ChatGPT-4 in the centre. ChatGPT-4 is used both as a software component, to create and annotate text, and as a software engineer, to implement ...
  • Bédi, Branislav; Choubsaz, Yazdan; Friðriksdóttir, Kolbrún; Gimeno-Sanz, Ana; Vilhjálmsdótti, Súsanna Björg; Zahova, Sofiya (Polytechnic University of Valencia, 2023-12)
    The 2023 EUROCALL conference was held for the second year in a row in Reykjavik on the 15th-18th of August 2023 but this time, after three years of online conferencing, as an in-person event hosted by the VIC – Vigdís International Centre, the Vigdís ...
  • Tosyali, Furkan; Coban-Tosyali, Ezgi; Harma, Mehmet (2024-08)
    The current study aims to examine predictors of subjective health, including its relation with happiness, at the individual and family levels. For this purpose, we analyzed data collected from spouses representing each family (9,634 families, N = ...
  • Alyatkin, Sergey; Sigurdsson, Helgi; Askitopoulos, Alexis; Töpfer, Julian; Lagoudakis, Pavlos (2021-09-22)
    One of the recently established paradigms in condensed matter physics is examining a system's behaviour in artificial potentials, giving insight into phenomena of quantum fluids in hard-to-reach settings. A prominent example is the matter-wave scatterer ...
  • Jakobsdóttir, Sólveig; Jóhannesdóttir, Sigurbjörg; Ossianninilson, Ebba; Köber, Ebba; Dalsgarð, John; Grubbe, Jörgen; Honkonen, Kaisa (2023-11-08)
    Þessi pallborðsumræða mun beinast að norrænu svæðisneti, NordFlexOn, fyrir opið, sveigjanlegt og fjarnám (OFDL), sem ICDE stofnaði árið 2019. Markmið netsins eru að greina mögulegar og núverandi áskoranir við innleiðingu og þróun OFDL á Norðurlöndunum; ...
  • Jóhannesdóttir, Gréta Bergrún (University of Akureyri, 2024-06)
    This PhD thesis focuses on young women in small rural communities in Iceland and different social factors that influence their residence and residential satisfaction in these locations. Special emphasis is placed on the social control of gossip and the ...
  • Namikawa, Ken; Björnsson, Einar Stefán (2024-05)
    Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are widely used in the long-term treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and other upper gastrointestinal disorders, such as the healing of peptic ulcers and/or prophylactic treatment of peptic ulcers. PPIs are ...
  • Ballatore, Andrea; Casella, Michela; Moscoso Costa, Francisco; Giaccardi, Marzia; Haim, Moti; Ingimarsdóttir, Inga Jóna; Mewton, Nathan; Van Ofwegen-Hanekamp, Clara; Ollitrault, Pierre; Pawlak, Agnieszka; Sultan, Arian; Tokmakova, Mariya; Varounis, Christos; Weberndörfer, Vanessa; Zemrak, Filip; Anselmino, Matteo (2024-05-10)
    Background. Cardiologists are today exposed to a growing dose of ionising radiation in their practice. Radiation awareness and correct management of X-ray use are the cornerstone to comply with the principles of exposure optimization and justification. ...
  • Potter, Sarah J.; Zhang, Li; Kotliar, Michael; Wu, Yuehong; Schafer, Caitlin; Stefan, Kurtis; Boukas, Leandros; Qu’d, Dima; Bodamer, Olaf; Simpson, Brittany N.; Barski, Artem; Lindsley, Andrew W.; Björnsson, Hans Tómas (2024-05-03)
    Individuals with Kabuki syndrome present with immunodeficiency; however, how pathogenic variants in the gene encoding the histone-modifying enzyme lysine methyltransferase 2D (KMT2D) lead to immune alterations remain poorly understood. Following up on ...
  • Runarsson, Thorri Geir; Bergmann, Andreas; Erlingsdóttir, Gígja; Pétursdóttir, Vigdís; Heitmann, Leon Arnar; Johannesson, Aevar; Asbjornsson, Viktor; Axelsson, Tómas Andri; Hilmarsson, Rafn; Guðbjartsson, Tómas (2024-05-13)
    INTRODUCTION: Papillary renal cell carcinoma (pRCC) is the second most common histology of renal cell carcinoma (RCC), accounting for 10-15% of cases. Traditionally, pRCC is divided into type 1 and type 2, although this division is currently debated ...
  • Mathew, A. J.; Lund, M. L.; Pedersen, M. P.; Rasmussen, S. H.; Glintborg, B.; Loft, A. G.; Nissen, M. J.; Möller, B.; Rodrigues, A. M.; Santos, F. P.; Rotar, Z.; Tomšič, M.; Relas, H.; Peltomaa, R.; Guðbjörnsson, Björn; Löve, Þorvarður Jón; Kocaer, S. B.; Koken Avsar, A.; Midtbøll Ørnbjerg, L.; Østergaard, M. (2024)
    Objective: To explore the registration of enthesitis among biologic-naïve patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) initiating tumour necrosis factor inhibitor (TNFi) treatment across 12 European registries, compare the disease burden and patient-reported ...
  • Winger, Anette; Holmen, Heidi; Birgisdóttir, Dröfn; Lykke, Camilla; Lövgren, Malin; Neergaard, Mette Asbjoern; Grönroos, Marika; Kero, Johanna; Kristinsdóttir, Oddný; Pétursdóttir, Ásta Bjarney; Castor, Charlotte (2024-05-08)
    Background: To strengthen palliative care for children in the Nordic countries, an updated status of current needs, resources, clinical services, education, and research is necessary to align and consolidate future research. A Nordic research collaboration ...
  • Stefansdottir, Andrea B; Vieira, Luis; Johnsen, Árni; Isacson, Daniel; Rodriguez, Andres; Mani, Maria (2024-02-29)
    Background  Perioperative management in autologous breast reconstruction has gained focus in recent years. This study compares two pain management protocols in patients undergoing abdominal-based free flap breast reconstruction: a past protocol (PP) ...
  • Fejrskov, Anja; Füchtbauer, Johannes David; Davíðsdóttir, Lóa Guðrún; Halfvarson, Jonas; Høivik, Marte Lie; Jensen, Michael Dam; Mortensen, Joachim Høg; Nielsen, Lene Nyholm; Rejler, Martin; Repsilber, Dirk; Söderholm, Johan D; Aalykke, Claus; Andersen, Vibeke; Christensen, Robin; Kjeldsen, Jens (2024-05-15)
    INTRODUCTION: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, can be challenging to diagnose, and treatment outcomes are difficult to predict. In the NORDTREAT cohort study, a Nordic prospective multicentre study, ...
  • Golden, Alyssa R; Griffith, Averil; Simons, Brenna C; Reasonover, Alisa; Slotved, Hans-Christian; Lefebvre, Brigitte; Kristinsson, Karl Gústaf; Hurteau, Donna; Tyrrell, Gregory J; Bruce, Michael G; Martin, Irene (2024-06-04)
    UNLABELLED: The International Circumpolar Surveillance (ICS) program is a population-based surveillance network for invasive bacterial diseases throughout Arctic countries and territories. The ICS quality control program for Streptococcus pneumoniae ...