IRIS: Recent submissions

  • Haraldsdóttir, Sigríður Ólína; Jonasson, Jon Gunnlaugur; Jorundsdottir, Kristin Bara; Hannesson, Haraldur Jon; Gislason, Thorarinn; Gudbjornsson, Bjorn (2021-10-01)
    Background This nationwide study aimed to elucidate the incidence and clinical characteristics of tissueverified sarcoidosis in Iceland. A secondary aim was to analyse sex differences and identify possible environmental factors contributing to the ...
  • Pétursson, Bjarni Elvar; Sailer, Irena; Latyshev, Andrey; Rabel, Kerstin; Kohal, Ralf Joachim; Karasan, Duygu (2021-10)
    OBJECTIVE: To assess the survival, failure, and complication rates of veneered and monolithic all-ceramic implant-supported single crowns (SCs). METHODS: Literature search was conducted in Medline (PubMed), Embase, and Cochrane Central Register of ...
  • Jokstad, Asbjorn; Pétursson, Bjarni Elvar; Mühlemann, Sven; Wismeijer, Daniel; Wolfart, Stefan; Fehmer, Vincent; Güth, Jan Frederik; Holtzman, Lucrezia Paterno; Hämmerle, Christoph H.F.; Makarov, Nikolay; Meijer, Henny J.A.; Milinkovic, Iva; Sailer, Irena; Spitznagel, Frank A.; Vandeweghe, Stefan; de Velde, Tommie Van; Zwahlen, Marcel; Giertmuehlen, Petra C. (2021-10)
    Objectives: To report assessments of four systematic reviews (SRs) on (i) clinical outcomes of all-ceramic implant-supported crowns (iSCs), (ii) production time, effectiveness, and costs of computer-assisted manufacturing (CAM), (iii) computer-assisted ...
  • Benediktsson, Rafn (2021-03)
  • Barkovskaya, Anna; Goodwin, Craig M.; Seip, Kotryna; Hilmarsdottir, Bylgja; Pettersen, Solveig; Stalnecker, Clint; Engebraaten, Olav; Briem, Eiríkur; Der, Channing J.; Moestue, Siver A.; Gudjonsson, Thorarinn; Mælandsmo, Gunhild M.; Prasmickaite, Lina (2021-05-01)
    Cellular phenotype plasticity between the epithelial and mesenchymal states has been linked to metastasis and heterogeneous responses to cancer therapy, and remains a challenge for the treatment of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). Here, we used ...
  • Ahluwalia, Tarunveer S.; Prins, Bram P.; Abdollahi, Mohammadreza; Armstrong, Nicola J.; Aslibekyan, Stella; Bain, Lisa; Jefferis, Barbara; Baumert, Jens; Beekman, Marian; Ben-Shlomo, Yoav; Bis, Joshua C.; Mitchell, Braxton D.; De Geus, Eco; Delgado, Graciela E.; Marek, Diana; Eriksson, Joel; Kajantie, Eero; Kanoni, Stavroula; Kemp, John P.; Lu, Chen; Marioni, Riccardo E.; McLachlan, Stela; Milaneschi, Yuri; Nolte, Ilja M.; Petrelis, Alexandros M.; Porcu, Eleonora; Sabater-Lleal, Maria; Naderi, Elnaz; Seppälä, Ilkka; Shah, Tina; Singhal, Gaurav; Standl, Marie; Teumer, Alexander; Thalamuthu, Anbupalam; Thiering, Elisabeth; Trompet, Stella; Ballantyne, Christie M.; Benjamin, Emelia J.; Casas, Juan P.; Toben, Catherine; Dedoussis, George; Deelen, Joris; Durda, Peter; Engmann, Jorgen; Feitosa, Mary F.; Grallert, Harald; Hammarstedt, Ann; Harris, Sarah E.; Homuth, Georg; Guðnason, Vilmundur G. (2021-01-30)
    Interleukin 6 (IL-6) is a multifunctional cytokine with both pro-A nd anti-inflammatory properties with a heritability estimate of up to 61%. The circulating levels of IL-6 in blood have been associated with an increased risk of complex disease ...
  • Elidottir, H.; Diemer, S.; Eklund, E.; Hansen, C. R. (2021-09)
    Background: Cystic fibrosis (CF) related diabetes (CFRD) is a common complication of CF. CFRD is associated with declining lung function even before its onset. Regular screening for CFRD using oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is recommended. Additionally, ...
  • Þorfinnsdóttir, Eyrún Björg; Sigurðardóttir, Árún Kristín; Sigurðsson, Martin Ingi (2022-03)
    Tilgangur: Það er mannlegt að gera mistök en mistök hafa í eðli sínu misalvarlegar afleiðingar. Rannsóknir sýna að hægt er að fyrirbyggja um 50% mistaka í svæfingum og skurðaðgerðum. Víðtækar rannsóknir hafa verið gerðar á því hvernig best sé að ...
  • Hermannsdóttir, Guðfríður; Sigurðardóttir, Sigurveig H (2022-03)
    Tilgangur: Undanfarin ár hafa um og yfir 100 manns þurft að bíða eftir útskrift af Landspítalanum á hverjum tíma þó að meðferð þeirra sé lokið. Tilgangur rannsóknarinnar var að greina útskriftarvanda Landspítalans, hver áhrif hans væru og hvaða lausnir ...
  • Snjólaugsdóttir, Katrín Edda; Haraldsdottir, Erna (2022-03)
    Tilgangur :Tilgangur rannsóknarinnar var að skoða virðingu sem hluta af umönnun í heilbrigðisþjónustu með áherslu á að lýsa leiðum sem hjúkrunarfræðingar geta notað í daglegu starfi til að viðhalda og efla virðingu sjúklinga. Aðferð: Rýnirannsókn (e. ...
  • Dowsett, Joseph; Ferkingstad, Egil; Rasmussen, Line Jee Hartmann; Thørner, Lise Wegner; Magnússon, Magnús Karl; Sugden, Karen; Þorleifsson, Guðmar; Frigge, Mike; Burgdorf, Kristoffer Sølvsten; Ostrowski, Sisse Rye; Sørensen, Erik; Erikstrup, Christian; Pedersen, Ole Birger; Hansen, Thomas Folkmann; Banasik, Karina; Brunak, Søren; Tragante, Vinicius; Lund, Sigrún Helga; Stefánsdóttir, Lilja; Gunnarson, Bjarni; Poulton, Richie; Arseneault, Louise; Caspi, Avshalom; Moffitt, Terrie E.; Gudbjartsson, Daníel Fannar; Eugen-Olsen, Jesper; Stefánsson, Hreinn; Stefánsson, Kári; Ullum, Henrik (2021-06-02)
    Soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) is a chronic inflammation marker associated with the development of a range of diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular disease. The genetics of suPAR remain unexplored but may shed ...
  • Guðjónsdóttir, Björg; Hjaltason, Haukur; Andrésdóttir, Guðbjörg Þóra (2021-04)
    INTRODUCTION: Fampridine is a drug for people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). It is a broad-spectrum voltage-dependent potassium channel blocker that enhances synaptic transmission. The drug has been shown to be able to enhance conduction in demyelinated ...
  • Casey, Jackie; Ágústsson, Atli; Rosenblad, Andreas; Rodby-Bousquet, Elisabet (2021-09-06)
    Purpose: This cross-sectional study of 2450 children with cerebral palsy aimed to analyse the prevalence and association of scoliosis, windswept hips, hip and knee contractures. Methods: Logistic regression was used to estimate associations with pain, ...
  • Björnsson, Einar Stefán (2021-06-28)
    Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) should be considered in all patients with recent elevation of liver tests without obvious etiology and normal hepatobiliary imaging. There is currently no biomarker that is helpful in diagnosis which relies on clinical ...
  • Eiriksdottir, Thjodbjorg; Ardal, Steinthor; Jonsson, Benedikt A.; Lund, Sigrun H.; Ivarsdottir, Erna V.; Norland, Kristjan; Ferkingstad, Egil; Stefansson, Hreinn; Jónsdóttir, Ingileif; Holm, Hilma; Rafnar, Thorunn; Saemundsdottir, Jona; Norddahl, Gudmundur L.; Þorgeirsson, Guðmundur; Gudbjartsson, Daniel F.; Sulem, Patrick; Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur; Stefansson, Kari; Úlfarsson, Magnús Örn (2021-06-18)
    Predicting all-cause mortality risk is challenging and requires extensive medical data. Recently, large-scale proteomics datasets have proven useful for predicting health-related outcomes. Here, we use measurements of levels of 4,684 plasma proteins ...
  • Hansen, Börkur; Lárusdóttir, Steinunn Helga (2019-12-15)
    Í nútímakenningum um skólastjórnun er kastljósinu jafnan beint að sýn skólastjóra á hlutverk sitt og tengsl við samstarfsfólk. Þá er átt við að skólastjórar og kennarar starfi saman að því að þróa skólastarf og kennsluhætti. Markmiðið með slíkum ...
  • Novotny, Ella N.; White, Samuel J.; Wilson, A. Douglas; Stefánsdóttir, Sara Björk; Tijhaar, Edwin; Jónsdóttir, Sigríður; Frey, Rebekka; Reiche, Dania; Rose, Horst; Rhyner, Claudio; Schüpbach-Regula, Gertraud; Þorsteinsdóttir, Sigurbjörg; Alcocer, Marcos; Marti, Eliane (2021-04)
    Background: Allergy to bites of blood-sucking insects, including biting midges, can affect both human and veterinary patients. Horses are often suffering from an IgE-mediated allergic dermatitis caused by bites of midges (Culicoides spp). With the aim ...
  • Ivarsdottir, Yrsa; Jónsson, Jón Steinar; Linnet, Kristjan; Blöndal, Anna Bryndís (2021-11-01)
    INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to analyse several factors that influence the decision-making of primary care physicians in Iceland in their choice of drug therapy for their patients. Also, to find which factors can act as a hindrance in making the best ...
  • Önundarson, Páll Torfi; Palsson, Ragnar; Witt, Daniel M.; Gudmundsdottir, Brynja R. (2021-10-15)
    The antithrombotic effect of vitamin K antagonists (VKA) depends on controlled lowering of the activity of factors (F) II and X whereas reductions in FVII and FIX play little role. PT-INR based monitoring, however, is highly influenced by FVII, which ...