IRIS: Recent submissions

  • Kricker, Jennifer A.; Page, Clive P.; Gardarsson, Fridrik Runar; Baldursson, Olafur; Guðjónsson, Þórarinn; Parnham, Michael J. (2021)
    Macrolides are among the most widely prescribed broad spectrum antibacterials, particularly for respiratory infections. It is now recognized that these drugs, in particular azithromycin, also exert time-dependent immunomodulatory actions that contribute ...
  • Kurek, Magdalena; Åkesson, Elisabet; Yoshihara, Masahito; Oliver, Elizabeth; Cui, Yanhua; Becker, Martin; Alves-Lopes, João Pedro; Bjarnason, Ragnar Grímur; Romerius, Patrik; Sundin, Mikael; Nyström, Ulrika Norén; Langenskiöld, Cecilia; Vogt, Hartmut; Henningsohn, Lars; Petersen, Cecilia; Söder, Olle; Guo, Jingtao; Mitchell, Rod T.; Jahnukainen, Kirsi; Stukenborg, Jan Bernd (2021-01-27)
    Fertility preservation for male childhood cancer survivors not yet capable of producing ma-ture spermatozoa, relies on experimental approaches such as testicular explant culture. Although the first steps in somatic maturation can be observed in human ...
  • Lu, Donghao; Aleknaviciute, Jurate; Bjarnason, Ragnar; Tamimi, Rulla M.; Valdimarsdóttir, Unnur A.; Bertone-Johnson, Elizabeth R. (2021-02)
    STUDY QUESTION: Is pubertal timing associated with risk of premenstrual disorders (PMDs) in young adulthood? SUMMARY ANSWER: Late pubertal development is associated with decreased premenstrual symptom burden and risk of PMDs in young adulthood. WHAT ...
  • Laugesen, Kristina; Ludvigsson, Jonas F.; Schmidt, Morten; Gissler, Mika; Valdimarsdóttir, Unnur Anna; Lunde, Astrid; Sørensen, Henrik Toft (2021-07-19)
    The Nordic countries are Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden and comprise a total population of approximately 27 million. The countries provide unique opportunities for joint health registry-based research in large populations with long and ...
  • Miettinen, Juho J.; Kumari, Romika; Traustadóttir, Gunnhildur Ásta; Huppunen, Maiju Emilia; Sergeev, Philipp; Majumder, Muntasir M.; Schepsky, Alexander; Guðjónsson, Þórarinn; Lievonen, Juha; Bazou, Despina; Dowling, Paul; O‘gorman, Peter; Slipicevic, Ana; Anttila, Pekka; Silvennoinen, Raija; Nupponen, Nina N.; Lehmann, Fredrik; Heckman, Caroline A. (2021-03-26)
    Multiple myeloma (MM) is characterized by extensive immunoglobulin production leading to an excessive load on protein homeostasis in tumor cells. Aminopeptidases contribute to proteolysis by catalyzing the hydrolysis of amino acids from proteins or ...
  • Li, Yuchen; Wang, Yue; Jiang, Jingwen; Valdimarsdóttir, Unnur A.; Fall, Katja; Fang, Fang; Song, Huan; Lu, Donghao; Zhang, Wei (2021-04-12)
    This article was published in Psychological Medicine with an error in the author’s affiliations. This has now been corrected online and in the article. The authors apologise for this error.
  • Konte, Bettina; Walters, James T.R.; Rujescu, Dan; Legge, Sophie E.; Pardiñas, Antonio F.; Cohen, Dan; Pirmohamed, Munir; Tiihonen, Jari; Hartmann, Annette M.; Bogers, Jan P.; van der Weide, Jan; van der Weide, Karen; Putkonen, Anu; Repo-Tiihonen, Eila; Hallikainen, Tero; Silva, Ed; Ingimarsson, Oddur; Sigurðsson, Engilbert; Kennedy, James L.; Sullivan, Patrick F.; Rietschel, Marcella; Breen, Gerome; Stefansson, Hreinn; Stefansson, Kari; Collier, David A.; O’Donovan, Michael C.; Giegling, Ina (2021-04-12)
    The atypical antipsychotic clozapine is the only effective medication for treatment-resistant schizophrenia. However, it can also induce serious adverse drug reactions, including agranulocytosis and neutropenia. The mechanism by which it does so is ...
  • Peters, Tessa M.A.; Lammerts van Bueren, Irma; Geurtz, Ben P.B.H.; Coene, Karlien L.M.; de Leeuw, Nicole; Brunner, Han G.; Jónsson, Jón Jóhannes; Willemsen, Michèl A.A.P.; Wevers, Ron A.; Verbeek, Marcel M. (2020-12-28)
    Monoamine oxidase A (MAO‐A) deficiency is a rare inborn error of metabolism with impaired degradation of biogenic amines including 5‐hydroxytryptamine (5‐HT), resulting in borderline intellectual disability and behavioral abnormalities. Genetic variants ...
  • Murray, David L.; Puig, Noemi; Kristinsson, Sigurður Yngvi; Usmani, Saad Z.; Dispenzieri, Angela; Bianchi, Giada; Kumar, Shaji; Chng, Wee Joo; Hajek, Roman; Paiva, Bruno; Waage, Anders; Rajkumar, S. Vincent; Durie, Brian (2021-02-01)
    Plasma cell disorders (PCDs) are identified in the clinical lab by detecting the monoclonal immunoglobulin (M-protein) which they produce. Traditionally, serum protein electrophoresis methods have been utilized to detect and isotype M-proteins. Increasing ...
  • Nicoletti, Paola; Devarbhavi, Harshad; Goel, Ashish; Venkatesan, Radha; Eapen, Chundamannil E.; Grove, Jane I.; Zafer, Samreen; Björnsson, Einar Stefán; Lucena, M. Isabel; Andrade, Raul J.; Pirmohamed, Munir; Wadelius, Mia; Larrey, Dominique; Maitland-van der Zee, Anke Hilse; Ibanez, Luisa; Watkins, Paul B.; Daly, Ann K.; Aithal, Guruprasad P. (2021-04)
    Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is a complication of treatment with antituberculosis (TB) drugs, especially in isoniazid (INH)-containing regimens. To investigate genetic risk factors, we performed a genomewide association study (GWAS) involving anti-TB ...
  • Niu, Hao; Sanabria-Cabrera, Judith; Alvarez-Alvarez, Ismael; Robles-Diaz, Mercedes; Stankevičiūtė, Simona; Aithal, Guruprasad P.; Björnsson, Einar Stefán; Andrade, Raul J.; Lucena, M. Isabel (2021-02)
    Conducting randomised clinical trials (RCTs) in idiosyncratic drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is challenging. This systematic review aims to summarise the design and findings of RCTs in the prevention and management of idiosyncratic DILI. A systematic ...
  • Pétursdóttir, Sigrún Guðný; Kristjánsson, Jón Magnús; Björnsson, Hjalti Már (2021-05)
    INNGANGUR Rafskútur eru orðnar vinsæll samgöngumáti á höfuðborgarsvæðinu. Erlendis hefur notkun þeirra fylgt nokkur slysatíðni en ekki er vitað um tíðni slíkra slysa á Íslandi. Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að meta orsakir, eðli og afleiðingar rafskútuslysa ...
  • Stewart, Jenell; Stadeli, Kathryn M.; Ásbjörnsdóttir, Kristjana Hrönn; Green, Margaret L.; Davidson, Giana H.; Weiner, Bryan J.; Dhanireddy, Shireesha (2021-03-25)
    This cohort study evaluates the association between use of a community center primary care clinic and subsequent nonemergent emergency department (ED) visits by unhoused women who exchange sex and inject drugs.
  • Rossettini, Giacomo; Turolla, Andrea; Guðjónsdóttir, Þjóðbjörg; Kapreli, Eleni; Salchinger, Beate; Verheyden, Geert; Palese, Alvisa; Dell’Isola, Andrea; de Caro, John Xerri (2021-12)
    Currently, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) severely influences physiotherapy education which is based mostly on face-to-face teaching. Thus, educators have been compelled to adapt their pedagogical approaches moving to digital education. In ...
  • Ásgeirsson, Hilmir; Blöndal, Kai; Blöndal, Þorsteinn; Gottfreðsson, Magnús (2009)
    Inngangur: Fjölónæmir berklar eru vaxandi vandamál í heiminum. Árangur meðferðar er verri, sjúkrahúslegur lengri og kostnaður hærri en við lyfnæma berkla. Hér er lýst þremur tilfellum fjölónæmra berkla sem greinst hafa á Íslandi síðastliðin sex ár, ...
  • Gottfreðsson, Magnús (2011)
  • Blondal, B S; Geirsdottir, O G; Halldorsson, T I; Beck, A M; Jónsson, Pálmi V; Ramel, A (2022-04-01)
    Background and aims: Malnutrition is common among older adults and is related to quality of life, cognitive function, and depression. To what extent nutrition interventions can improve these outcomes remains unclear. The aim of this study was to ...
  • Wong, Fiona; Hung, Hayley; Dryfhout-Clark, Helena; Aas, Wenche; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Breivik, Knut; Mastromonaco, Michelle Nerentorp; Lundén, Eva Brorström; Ólafsdóttir, Kristín; Sigurðsson, Árni; Vorkamp, Katrin; Bossi, Rossana; Skov, Henrik; Hakola, Hannele; Barresi, Enzo; Sverko, Ed; Fellin, Phil; Li, Henrik; Vlasenko, Alexander; Zapevalov, Mikhail; Samsonov, Dmitry; Wilson, Simon (2021-06-25)
    The long-term time trends of atmospheric pollutants at eight Arctic monitoring stations are reported. The work was conducted under the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) of the Arctic Council. The monitoring stations were: Alert, Canada; ...
  • Witek-McManus, Stefan; Simwanza, James; Chisambi, Alvin B.; Kepha, Stella; Kamwendo, Zachariah; Mbwinja, Alfred; Samikwa, Lyson; Oswald, William E.; Kennedy, David S.; Timothy, Joseph W.S.; Legge, Hugo; Galagan, Sean R.; Emmanuel-Fabula, Mira; Schaer, Fabian; Ásbjörnsdóttir, Kristjana Hrönn; Halliday, Katherine E.; Walson, Judd L.; Juziwelo, Lazarus; Bailey, Robin L.; Kalua, Khumbo; Pullan, Rachel L. (2021-05-12)
    Malawi has successfully leveraged multiple delivery platforms to scale-up and sustain the implementation of preventive chemotherapy (PCT) for the control of morbidity caused by soil-transmitted helminths (STH). Sentinel monitoring demonstrates this ...
  • Skuladottir, Astros Th; Bjornsdottir, Gyda; Nawaz, Muhammad Sulaman; Petersen, Hannes; Rognvaldsson, Solvi; Moore, Kristjan Helgi Swerford; Olafsson, Pall I.; Magnusson, Sigurður H.; Bjornsdottir, Anna; Sveinsson, Olafur A.; Sigurdardottir, Gudrun R.; Sævarsdóttir, Sædís; Ivarsdottir, Erna V.; Stefánsdóttir, Lilja; Gunnarsson, Bjarni; Muhlestein, Joseph B.; Knowlton, Kirk U.; Jones, David A.; Nadauld, Lincoln D.; Hartmann, Annette M.; Rujescu, Dan; Strupp, Michael; Walters, Guðmundur Bragi; Thorgeirsson, Thorgeir E.; Jónsdóttir, Ingileif; Holm, Hilma; Thorleifsson, Gudmar; Gudbjartsson, Daniel F.; Sulem, Patrick; Stefansson, Hreinn; Stefansson, Kari (2021-10-07)
    Vertigo is the leading symptom of vestibular disorders and a major risk factor for falls. In a genome-wide association study of vertigo (Ncases = 48,072, Ncontrols = 894,541), we uncovered an association with six common sequence variants in individuals ...