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Fletta eftir efnisorði "Survey"

Fletta eftir efnisorði "Survey"

Röðun: Raða: Niðurstöður:

  • Forss, Mikko; Bolsunovskyi, Kostiantyn; Lee, Yung; Kilpeläinen, Tuomas P.; Aoki, Yoshitaka; Gudjonsson, Sigurdur; Hervé, François; Järvinen, Petrus; Malde, Sachin; Miyazawa, Katsuhito; Sairanen, Jukka; Sander, Lotte; Violette, Philippe D.; Witte, Lambertus P.W.; Guyatt, Gordon H.; Tikkinen, Kari A.O. (2023-12)
    Background: Although hydrocele is one of the most common urologic pathologies, it is seldom studied, and the major urologic associations have no guidelines for the management of adult hydroceles. Objective: To characterize international practice variation ...
  • Theodore-Oklota, Christina; Hartman, Deborah S.; Hoffman, Deborah L.; Björnsson, Hans Tómas (2022-01)
    Introduction: Kabuki syndrome is a rare congenital condition characterized clinically by unique facial features, abnormalities in the skeleton, finger pad abnormalities, and developmental delays, as well as a range of other health issues. Existing ...