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Fletta eftir efnisorði "Nordic countries"

Fletta eftir efnisorði "Nordic countries"

Röðun: Raða: Niðurstöður:

  • Möller, Vidar; Östholm-Balkhed, Åse; Berild, Dag; Fredriksson, Mats; Gottfreðsson, Magnús; Holmbom, Martin; Järvinen, Asko; Kristjánsson, Már; Rydell, Ulf; Sönksen, Ute Wolff; Kolmos, Hans Joern; Hanberger, Håkan (2021-05-10)
    BACKGROUND: The Nordic countries have comparable nationwide antibiotic resistance surveillance systems and individual antibiotic stewardship programmes. The aim of this study was to assess antibiotic resistance among major pathogens in relation to ...
  • Winger, Anette; Holmen, Heidi; Birgisdóttir, Dröfn; Lykke, Camilla; Lövgren, Malin; Neergaard, Mette Asbjoern; Grönroos, Marika; Kero, Johanna; Kristinsdóttir, Oddný; Pétursdóttir, Ásta Bjarney; Castor, Charlotte (2024-05-08)
    Background: To strengthen palliative care for children in the Nordic countries, an updated status of current needs, resources, clinical services, education, and research is necessary to align and consolidate future research. A Nordic research collaboration ...
  • Jokiniemi, Krista; Hølge-Hazelton, Bibi; Kristófersson, Gísli Kort; Frederiksen, Kirsten; Kilpatrick, Kelley; Mikkonen, Santtu (2021-12)
    Aim To describe and compare the clinical nurse specialist core competency use in Finland, Denmark and Iceland. Background Clinical nurse specialist roles were first developed more than 60 years ago in the United States. Within the Nordic countries, the ...
  • Nordic EM Study Group (2023-06-23)
    BACKGROUND: Emergency Medicine (EM) is an independent specialty in all five Nordic countries. This study aims to evaluate the structure of post-graduate EM training in the area. METHODS: A leading hospital or hospitals in EM training in each country ...
  • Varpula, Reetta; Äyräs, Outi; Aabakke, Anna J M; Klungsøyr, Kari; Svanvik, Teresia; Kanerva, Julia; Jónasdóttir, Eva; Mentzoni, Camilla Tjønneland; Thurn, Lars; Jones, Elin; Fredriksson, Lisa; Pettersson, Karin; Nyfløt, Lill Trine; Vangen, Siri; Røe, Kjerstine; Júlíusson, Pétur B; Källén, Karin; Gissler, Mika; Pyykönen, Aura; Jakobsson, Maija; Krebs, Lone; Engjom, Hilde Marie (2024-06)
    INTRODUCTION: The Coronavirus 2019 Disease (COVID-19) pandemic reached the Nordic countries in March 2020. Public health interventions to limit viral transmission varied across different countries both in timing and in magnitude. Interventions indicated ...
  • Karalexi, Maria A.; Eberhard-Gran, Malin; Valdimarsdóttir, Unnur Anna; Karlsson, Hasse; Munk-Olsen, Trine; Skalkidou, Alkistis (2022-08)
    Purpose: Perinatal mental health disorders affect a significant number of women with debilitating and potentially life-threatening consequences. Researchers in Nordic countries have access to high quality, population-based data sources and the possibility ...
  • Hamina, A.; Muller, A. E.; Clausen, T.; Skurtveit, S.; Hesse, M.; Tjagvad, C.; Thylstrup, B.; Odsbu, I.; Zoega, H.; Jónsdóttir, Harpa Lind; Taipale, H. (2022-05-16)
    Abstract: Background: Opioid use has increased globally in the recent decade. Although pain remains a significant problem among older adults, susceptibility to opioid-related harms highlights the importance of careful opioid therapy monitoring on ...
  • Alstveit, Marit; Lahti, Sari; Jónsdóttir, Sigríður Sía; Egeland, Nina; Sørensen, Susanne Klit; Eklund, Anna Josse (2021)
    Background Higher education should promote critical reflection and guide students towards international activities. In the Nordic countries public health nurse educational programmes are mostly based on guidelines issued by national educational ...
  • Mennander, Ari; Gudbjartsson, Tomas; Jeppsson, Anders; Hjortdal, Vibeke; Tønnessen, Theis (2020-03)
    Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Iceland form the 5 culturally uniform Nordic countries. Each of the countries owns a high-standard tradition of individual steering in cardiothoracic education aiming at securing the needs and features of the local ...