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Fletta eftir efnisorði "Hraun"

Fletta eftir efnisorði "Hraun"

Röðun: Raða: Niðurstöður:

  • Ranta, Eemu Johannes; Halldórsson, Sæmundur Ari; Barnes, J. D.; Jónasson, Kristján; Stefánsson, Andri (2021-01-13)
    Magmatic volatile phases within crustal silicic magma domains influence key volcanic processes such as the build up to eruptions and formation of magmatic-hydrothermal ore deposits. However, the extent and nature of fluid-melt interaction in such ...
  • Kopacz, Nina; Csuka, Joleen Mary; Baqué, Mickael; Iakubivskyi, Iaroslav; Guðlaugardóttir, Hrefna; Klarenberg, Ingeborg J.; Ahmed, Mahid; Zetterlind, Alexandra; Singh, Abhijeet; Kate, Inge L. ten; Hellebrand, Eric; Stockwell, Brent; Stefánsson, Árni B.; Vilhelmsson, Oddur; Neubeck, Anna; Schnürer, Anna; Geppert, Wolf (2022-05)
    Lava tubes on Mars hold exciting potential for the preservation of biosignatures, which may survive on geological timescales in these isolated, stable environments. To support the development of future astrobiological mission concepts, we turn to ...