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Browsing by Subject "Mobility"

Browsing by Subject "Mobility"

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  • Hasanzadeh, Kamyar; Czepkiewicz, Michał; Heinonen, Jukka; Kyttä, Marketta; Ala-Mantila, Sanna; Ottelin, Juudit (Center for Transportation Studies, 2019-02-21)
    Activity space (AS) is a measure of spatial behavior used to summarize the mobility behavior of individuals. Current studies often highlight the fact that AS is highly complex and multidimensional in character. Therefore, the need for more holistic ...
  • Loftsdóttir, Kristín; Skaptadóttir, Unnur Dís; Hafsteinsson, Sigurjón Baldur (Háskólaútgáfan, 2020-12-18)
    Iceland has increasingly been tangled in a dense network of various mobilities, leading to the growing transnational character of Icelandic society. This means that Iceland is involved in and affected by different forms of exchange and flows of ideas, ...
  • Einarsdóttir, Elva Björg (Háskóli Íslands, Verkfræði- og náttúruvísindasvið, Líf- og umhverfisvísindadeild, 2024-12)
    Places are mobile and becoming, they are constantly changing and dynamic. Places on the margins sometimes seem to take on another image and are thought of as static and homogenous. In the thesis, I look at Western-Barðastrandarsýsla county, Iceland ...
  • Bjarnason, Thoroddur; Edvardsson, Ingi Runar (Elsevier BV, 2017-08)
    Low levels of education have serious social, economic and cultural ramifications in rural areas. In many countries, regional universities have explicitly been built to educate the local population, create professional jobs and stimulate innovation. ...