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Browsing by Subject "Density functional theory"

Browsing by Subject "Density functional theory"

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  • Maras, Emile; Saito, Mitsuhiro; Inoue, Kazutoshi; Jónsson, Hannes; Ikuhara, Yuichi; McKenna, Keith Patrick (Elsevier BV, 2019-01-15)
    A global optimization procedure is used to predict the structure and electronic properties of the b = c[001] edge dislocation in rutile TiO2. Over 1000 different atomic configurations have been generated using both semi-empirical and density functional ...
  • Kolb, Manuel; Garden, Anna; Badan, Cansin; Garrido Torres, Jose Antonio; Skulason, Egill; Juurlink, Ludo; Jónsson, Hannes; Koper, Marc (Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), 2019-07-16)
    In this work we compute high-coverage hydrogen adsorption energies and geometries on the stepped platinum surfaces Pt(211) and Pt(533) which contain a (100)-step type and the Pt(221) and Pt(553) surface with a (111) step edge. We discuss these results ...
  • Haldar, Soumyajyoti; von Malottki, Stephan; Meyer, Sebastian; Bessarab, Pavel; Heinze, Stefan (American Physical Society (APS), 2018-08-27)
    We show that stable skyrmions with diameters of a few nanometers can emerge in atomic Pd/Fe bilayers on the Rh(111) surface. Based on density functional theory we calculate the exchange and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction as well as the ...
  • Gaissmaier, Daniel; Borg, Matthias; Fantauzzi, Donato; Jacob, Timo (Wiley, 2020-01-21)
    Using density functional theory, we studied the bulk and surface properties of Li and Na electrodes on an atomistic level. To get a better understanding of the initial stages of surface growth phenomena (and thus dendrite formation), various self-diffusion ...
  • Schmerwitz, Yorick Leonard Adrian (Háskóli Íslands, Verkfræði- og náttúruvísindasvið, Raunvísindadeild, 2024-09)
    Variational density functional calculations provide an improved description of electronic excitations with large change of the electron density compared to the frequently used adiabatic linear-response time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT), ...
  • Szilva, A.; Thonig, D.; Bessarab, Pavel; Kvashnin, Y. O.; Rodrigues, D. C. M.; Cardias, R.; Pereiro, M.; Nordström, L.; Bergman, A.; Klautau, A. B.; Eriksson, O. (American Physical Society (APS), 2017-10-10)
    We show for a simple noncollinear configuration of the atomistic spins (in particular, where one spin is rotated by a finite angle in a ferromagnetic background) that the pairwise energy variation computed in terms of multiple-scattering formalism ...