Opin vísindi

Fletta eftir deild "Department of Computer Science"

Fletta eftir deild "Department of Computer Science"

Röðun: Raða: Niðurstöður:

  • McDermott, Dylan; Piróg, Maciej; Uustalu, Tarmo (ACM, 2020-09-08)
    We discuss the relationship between monads and their known generalisation, graded monads, which are especially useful for modelling computational effects equipped with a form of sequential composition. Specifically, we ask if a graded monad can be ...
  • Rusanen, Matias; Jouan, Gabriel; Huttunen, Riku; Nikkonen, Sami; Sigurðardóttir, Sigríður; Töyräs, Juha; Duce, Brett; Myllymaa, Sami; Arnardóttir, Erna Sif; Leppänen, Timo; Islind, Anna Sigridur; Kainulainen, Samu; Korkalainen, Henri (2024-10-23)
    State-of-the-art automatic sleep staging methods have demonstrated comparable reliability and superior time efficiency to manual sleep staging. However, fully automatic black-box solutions are difficult to adapt into clinical workflow due to the lack ...