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Fletta eftir efnisorði "Geophysics"

Fletta eftir efnisorði "Geophysics"

Röðun: Raða: Niðurstöður:

  • Parks, Michelle M.; Sigmundsson, Freysteinn; Drouin, Vincent; Hreinsdóttir, Sigrún; Hooper, Andrew; Yang, Yilin; Ófeigsson, Benedikt G.; Sturkell, Erik; Hjartardóttir, Ásta R.; Grapenthin, Ronni; Geirsson, Halldór; Trasatti, Elisa; Barsotti, Sara; Pedersen, Rikke; Einarsson, Páll; Óladóttir, Bergrún A.; Friðriksdóttir, Hildur M. (2024-02-28)
    Unrest began in July 2021 at Askja volcano in the Northern Volcanic Zone (NVZ) of Iceland. Its most recent eruption, in 1961, was predominantly effusive and produced ∼0.1 km3 lava field. The last plinian eruption at Askja occurred in 1875. Geodetic ...
  • Mozhikunnath Parameswaran, Revathy; Bjarnason, Ingi Þorleifur; Þorbjarnardóttir, Bergþóra Sólveig (American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2023-03-14)
    Hjalli-Ölfus is the westernmost segment of the east-west transform South Iceland Seismic Zone (SISZ), which is the eastward extension of the ∼ENE-trending transtensional Reykjanes Peninsula (RP). Historically, the area has shown an interactive behavior ...
  • Benetti, Marion; Lacour, Jean-Lionel; Sveinbjörnsdóttir, Árný; Aloisi, G.; Reverdin, G.; Risi, C.; Peters, A. J.; Steen‐Larsen, H. C. (American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2018-03-10)
    We propose a framework using water vapor isotopes to study mixing processes in the marine boundary layer (MBL) during quiescent conditions, where we expect evaporation to contribute to the moisture budget. This framework complements the existing models, ...
  • Li, Siqi (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Earth Sciences, 2022-12)
    Post-eruptive deformation following volcanic eruptions may originate from continued magma movements, or reflect delayed and continued Earth adjustment due to co-eruptive events, often referred to as viscoelastic relaxation. Post-eruptive deformation ...
  • Aichner, Bernhard; Makhmudov, Zafar; Rajabov, Ilhomjon; Zhang, Qiong; Pausata, Francesco S. R.; Werner, Martin; Heinecke, Liv; Kuessner, Marie L.; Feakins, Sarah J.; Sachse, Dirk; Mischke, Steffen (American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2019-12-03)
    The Central Asian Pamir Mountains (Pamirs) are a high-altitude region sensitive to climatic change, with only few paleoclimatic records available. To examine the glacial-interglacial hydrological changes in the region, we analyzed the geochemical ...
  • Bjarnason, Ingi Þorleifur; Wolfe, Cecily J.; Solomon, Sean C.; Guðmundsson, Gunnar (Wiley-Blackwell, 1996-03-01)
    We present results from the first stage of the ICEMELT broadband seismometer experiment designed to determine upper mantle structure beneath Iceland, a hotspot located on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Relative delays of teleseismic body waves across Iceland ...
  • Pedersen, Gro; Höskuldsson, Ármann; Dürig, Tobias; Thordarson, Thorvaldur; Jonsdottir, Ingibjorg; Riishus, M. S.; Óskarsson, B.V.; Dumont, Stéphanie; Magnússon, Eyjólfur; Gudmundsson, Magnus Tumi; Sigmundsson, Freysteinn; Drouin, V.J.P.B.; Gallagher, C.; Askew, R.; Gudnason, J.; Moreland, William; Nikkola, P.; Reynolds, Hannah Iona; Schmith, Johanne (Elsevier BV, 2017-06)
    The 6-month long eruption at Holuhraun (August 2014–February 2015) in the Bárðarbunga-Veiðivötn volcanic system was the largest effusive eruption in Iceland since the 1783–1784 CE Laki eruption. The lava flow field covered ~84 km2 and has an estimated ...
  • Dürig, Tobias; Guðmundsson, Magnús T.; Dioguardi, Fabio; Schmidt, Louise Steffensen (American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2023-01-13)
    The considerable effects that wind can have on estimates of mass eruption rates (MERs) in explosive eruptions based on volcanic plume height are well known but difficult to quantify rigorously. Many explicitly wind-affected plume models have the ...
  • Menke, William; Brandsdóttir, Bryndís; Einarsson, Páll; Bjarnason, Ingi Þorleifur (Oxford University Press (OUP), 1996-07)
    Two shear-wave profiles, E and G, collected during the 1977 Reykjanes Ridge Iceland Seismic Experiment have played an important role in models of the Icelandic crust. They were originally interpreted as indicating very low shear-wave velocities and ...
  • Cubuk-Sabuncu, Yesim; Jónsdóttir, Kristín; Caudron, Corentin; Lecocq, Thomas; Parks, Michelle Maree; Geirsson, Halldór; Mordret, Aurélien (2021-06-01)
    Repeated periods of inflation-deflation in the vicinity of Mt. Þorbjörn-Svartsengi, SW-Iceland, were detected in January–July, 2020. We used seismic ambient noise and interferometry to characterize temporal variations of seismic velocities (dv/v, %). ...
  • Watkins, N. D.; McDougall, Ian; Kristjánsson, Leó (1977-06-01)
    A total of 362 successive lava flows, which were extruded at a regular rate between t= 6.7 and 1.6 Myr in the Borgarfjördur area of Western Iceland, have been subjected to palaeomagnetic study. In contrast to the result of a study by Wilson & McElhinny ...
  • Ferreira, Mónica Amaral; Oliveira, Carlos Sousa; Lopes, Mário; de Sá, Francisco Mota; Musacchio, Gemma; Rupakhety, Rajesh; Reitano, Danilo; Pais, Isabel (2021-07-23)
    Encouraging property owners and individuals to adopt mitigation measures to improve the resilience of their buildings and equipments to seismic hazard has been a major challenge in many earthquake-prone countries. Few business leaders are aware of the ...