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Browsing by Subject "outcome"

Browsing by Subject "outcome"

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  • Gudbjartsson, Tomas; Ahlsson, Anders; Geirsson, Arnar; Gunn, Jarmo; Hjortdal, Vibeke; Jeppsson, Anders; Mennander, Ari; Zindovic, Igor; Olsson, Christian (2020-01-02)
    Acute type A aortic dissection (ATAAD) is still one of the most challenging diseases that cardiac surgeons encounter. This review is based on the current literature and includes the results from the Nordic Consortium for Acute Type-A Aortic Dissection ...
  • Sveinsdottir, Nanna; Heidarsdottir, Sunna Run; Steinthorsson, Arni Steinn; Jóhannesdóttir, Hera; Heimisdóttir, Alexandra Aldís; Kristjánsson, Tómas Þór; Long, Þórir Einarsson; Guðmundsdóttir, Ingibjörg Jóna; Sigurðsson, Martin Ingi; Guðbjartsson, Tómas (2022-05-06)
    INNGANGUR Skert nýrnastarfsemi eins og við langvinnan nýrnasjúkdóm er áhættuþáttur kransæðasjúkdóms og hefur verið tengd við aukna tíðni fylgikvilla og dánartíðni eftir kransæðahjáveituaðgerð. Árangur hjáveituaðgerða hjá þessum sjúklingahóp hefur ekki ...
  • Oskarsdottir, Thora; Sigurðsson, Martin Ingi; Pálsson, Runólfur; Eythorsson, E. (2022-07-29)
    Objectives: All SARS-CoV-2-positive persons in Iceland were prospectively monitored and those who required outpatient evaluation or were admitted to hospital underwent protocolized evaluation that included a standardized panel of biomarkers. The aim ...
  • Jónsson, Steinn; Franklin, Wilbur A.; Varella-Garcia, Marileila; Kennedy, Timothy C.; Merrick, Daniel; Matney, Kathryn D.; Oskarsdottir, Gudrun N.; Saemundsson, Arni; Keith, Robert L.; Bunn, Paul A.; Miller, York E. (2023-10)
    Bronchial squamous carcinoma in situ (CIS) is a preinvasive lesion that is thought to precede invasive carcinoma. We conducted prospective autofluorescence and white light bronchoscopy trials between 1992 and 2016 to assess the prevalence, molecular ...