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Browsing by Subject "Excitons"

Browsing by Subject "Excitons"

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  • Sitek, Anna; Urbaneja Torres, Miguel; Torfason, Kristinn; Gudmundsson, Vidar; Bertoni, Andrea; Manolescu, Andrei (American Chemical Society, 2018-04-21)
    The distinctive prismatic geometry of semiconductor core-shell nanowires leads to complex localization patterns of carriers. Here, we describe the formation of optically active in-gap excitonic states induced by the interplay between localization of ...
  • Shahnazaryan, Vanik; Iorsh, Ivan; Shelykh, Ivan; Kyriienko, O. (American Physical Society (APS), 2017-09-06)
    We study theoretically the Coulomb interaction between excitons in transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) monolayers. We calculate direct and exchange interaction for both ground and excited states of excitons. The screening of the Coulomb interaction, ...
  • Kravtsov, Vasily; Khestanova, Ekaterina; Benimetskiy, Fedor A.; Ivanova, Tatiana; Samusev, Anton K.; Sinev, Ivan S.; Pidgayko, Dmitry; Mozharov, Alexey M.; Mukhin, Ivan S.; Lozhkin, Maksim S.; Kapitonov, Yuri V.; Brichkin, Andrey S.; Kulakovskii, Vladimir D.; Shelykh, Ivan; Tartakovskii, Alexander I.; Walker, Paul M.; Skolnick, Maurice S.; Krizhanovskii, Dmitry N.; Iorsh, Ivan V. (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020-04-09)
    Optical bound states in the continuum (BICs) provide a way to engineer very narrow resonances in photonic crystals. The extended interaction time in these systems is particularly promising for the enhancement of nonlinear optical processes and the ...