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Röðun: Raða: Niðurstöður:

  • Bergsdóttir, Ásgerður; Magnúsdóttir, Berglind Rós (Menntavísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands, 2018-12-31)
    Lengi framan af var framhaldsskólamenntun til stúdentsprófs aðeins fyrir fáa útvalda úr efri lögum samfélagsins. Með tímanum jókst aðgengið og nú er framhaldsskólum á Íslandi skylt að mennta öll ungmenni undir 18 ára aldri sem lokið hafa grunnskólaprófi. ...
  • Kristófersson, Gísli Kort; Arnarsson, Ársæll Már; Heimisson, Guðmundur Torfi; Sigurðardóttir, Dagbjörg (2017-12-06)
    Inngangur: Athyglisbrestur og ofvirkni (ADHD) er taugaþroskaröskun sem kemur yfirleitt fram fyrir 7 ára aldur. Örvandi lyf eru mikið notuð til meðhöndlunar á þessum kvilla hér á landi, en fela í sér hættu á ávanabindingu, misnotkun og lyfjaflakki, það ...
  • Ingason, Arnar Bragi; Magnússon, Magnús Karl; Ragnarsson, Gunnar Bjarni (2019-08)
    67 ára gömul kona, sem tók langverkandi ópíóíðalyf (oxýkódon) vegna langvarandi brjóstverkja, varð fyrir bráðri ópíóíðaeitrun eftir að hafin var meðferð með vórikónazóli. Vórikónazól er sveppalyf sem getur bælt virkni CYP3A4 sem er niðurbrotsensím í ...
  • Jóhannesson, Jón M.; Harðardóttir, Hrönn; Gudmundsson, Bjarni; Guðmundsson, Gunnar (2021-07-01)
    Sótthiti með óráði er algengt vandamál á bráðamóttökum og legudeildum sjúkrahúsa. Mismunagreiningar eru fjöldamargar og við uppvinnslu þessara sjúklinga er mikilvægt að hafa þær allar í huga. Sýkingar eru ofarlega á lista vegna bráð- og alvarleika en ...
  • Sigurjónsdóttir, Æsa (Hugvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands, 2018)
    Í greininni er svipast um eftir hinum ýmsu atlögum sem félagasamtök listamanna og sjálfstætt starfandi listamenn og sýningarstjórar hafa gert á undanförnum áratugum til að virkja borgarrými Reykjavíkur sem opinberan sýningarvettvang. Sjónum er beint ...
  • Jónasson, Jón Torfi (Menntavísindastofnun, Menntavísindasvið, Háskóli Íslands, 2020-01-28)
    Greinin fjallar annars vegar um þá miklu áherslu sem lögð er á notkun gagna í skólastarfi og hins vegar um það að þau gefi litla leiðsögn í mikilvægum efnum. Umfang og margbreytileiki gagna vex hratt og margir ólíkir heimar gagna sem tengjast menntun ...
  • Aubonnet, Romain; Banea, Ovidiu C.; Sirica, Roberta; Wassermann, Eric M.; Yassine, Sahar; Jacob, Deborah; Magnúsdóttir, Brynja Björk; Haraldsson, Magnús; Stefansson, Sigurjon B.; Jónasson, Viktor D.; Ívarsson, Eysteinn; Jónasson, Aron D.; Hassan, Mahmoud; Gargiulo, Paolo (2020-11-20)
    Schizophrenia is a complex disorder about which much is still unknown. Potential treatments, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), have not been exploited, in part because of the variability in behavioral response. This can be overcome with ...
  • Jónsson, Ólafur Páll; Macdonald, Allyson (2021-12-08)
    The worlds of education and learning have for the last few decades been characterized by reactions to the detrimental human impact on the environment, which is measured on such a scale that scholars now refer to the present epoch as the Anthropocene. ...
  • McMahon, Colin J.; Heying, Ruth; Budts, Werner; Cavigelli-Brunner, Anna; Shkolnikova, Maria; Michel-Behnke, Ina; Kozlik-Feldmann, Rainer; Wåhlander, Håkan; Dewolf, Daniel; Difilippo, Sylvie; Kornyei, Laslo; Russo, Maria Giovanna; Kaneva-Nencheva, Anna; Mesihovic-Dinarevic, Senka; Vesel, Samo; Óskarsson, Gylfi; Papadopoulos, George; Petropoulos, Andreas C.; Cevik, Berna Saylan; Jossif, Antonis; Doros, Gabriela; Krusensjerna-Hafstrom, Thomas; Dangel, Joanna; Rahkonen, Otto; Albert-Brotons, Dimpna C.; Alvares, Silvia; Brun, Henrik; Janousek, Jan; Pitkänen-Argillander, Olli; Voges, Inga; Lubaua, Inguna; Sendzikaite, Skaiste; Magee, Alan G.; Rhodes, Mark J.; Blom, Nico A.; Bu'lock, Frances; Hanseus, Katarina; Milanesi, Ornella (2022-12)
    Background: Limited data exist on training of European paediatric and adult congenital cardiologists. Methods: A structured and approved questionnaire was circulated to national delegates of Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology ...
  • Gautason, Fridrik F; Schneiderbauer, Lukas; Sybesma, Watse; Thorlacius, Larus (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020-05-01)
    A Page curve for an evaporating black hole in asymptotically flat spacetime is computed by adapting the Quantum Ryu-Takayanagi (QRT) proposal to an analytically solvable semi-classical two-dimensional dilaton gravity theory. The Page time is found to ...
  • Karlsdóttir, Sigfríður Inga (University of Iceland, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Nursing, 2016-12-15)
    Background: Few studies have focused on women’s expectations and experience of childbirth pain and what predicts a positive childbirth pain experience. Moreover, few studies have explored childbirth pain from a salutogenic perspective and from the ...
  • Skúladóttir, Hafdís; Björnsdóttir, Amalía; Holden, Janean E.; Gunnarsdóttir, Þóra Jenný; Halldórsdóttir, Sigríður; Sveinsdóttir, Herdís (2021-09-30)
    Multidisciplinary long-term pain rehabilitation programs with a team of healthcare professionals are an integrated approach to treat patients with chronic non-malignant pain. In this longitudinal prospective cohort study, we investigated the long-term ...
  • Skúladóttir, Hafdís; Sveinsdóttir, Herdís; Holden, Janean E.; Gunnarsdóttir, Þóra Jenný; Halldórsdóttir, Sigríður; Björnsdóttir, Amalía (2021-09-28)
    Multidisciplinary pain-management programs have the potential to decrease pain intensity, improve health-related quality of life (HRQOL), and increase sleep quality. In this longitudinal prospective cohort study, the aim was to investigate the long-term ...
  • Guðmundsdóttir, Hanna Guðlaug (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of History and Philosophy, 2023)
    Unlike most other academic disciplines in Iceland, there has been little or no research in art history using feminist methodology and theories in which the concept of gender occurs. A critical review of the methodology applied in analysing the discourse ...
  • Arason, Þórður (Oregon State University, 1991)
    In this thesis anomalous downcore shallowing of paleomagnetic inclinations is interpreted to be caused by sediment compaction. Thus, compaction-induced inclination shallowing may influence tectonic reconstructions that are based on inclinations from ...
  • Hanna, Sebastian; Pálmadóttir, Vala Kolbrún; Penar, Paul L; Boyd, James T (2023-01)
    Neuropsychiatric adverse events have been previously reported following deep brain stimulation (DBS) for Parkinson's disease (PD). Most cases described have involved DBS of the subthalamic nucleus (STN). We report a unique case of acute-onset and ...
  • Campbell, Peter J.; Stefansson, Olafur (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020-02-05)
    Cancer is driven by genetic change, and the advent of massively parallel sequencing has enabled systematic documentation of this variation at the whole-genome scale1,2,3. Here we report the integrative analysis of 2,658 whole-cancer genomes and their ...
  • Värendh, Maria; Andersson, Morgan; Björnsdóttir, Erla; Arnardottir, Erna Sif; Gislason, Thorarinn; Pack, Allan; Hrubos-Strøm, Harald; Johannisson, Arne; Júlíusson, Sigurður (Wiley, 2018-09-28)
    We hypothesized that positive airway pressure treatment would induce nasal obstruction and decrease nasal cavity due to mucosal swelling. We further hypothesized that subjective and objective nasal obstruction at baseline would negatively affect positive ...
  • Gotz, Markus; Cavallaro, Gabriele; Geraud, Thierry; Book, Matthias; Riedel, Morris (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2018-11-01)
    Component trees are region-based representations that encode the inclusion relationship of the threshold sets of an image. These representations are one of the most promising strategies for the analysis and the interpretation of spatial information ...
  • Stenkewitz, Ute (University of Iceland, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, 2017-05)
    The parasite fauna of the Icelandic rock ptarmigan Lagopus muta had just been described when engaging in this project in 2010. Purpose was to study the influence that parasites exhibit on ptarmigan population change over a period of 7 years (2006–2012). ...