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Röðun: Raða: Niðurstöður:

  • Kwiatkowski, Grzegorz J.; Badarneh, Mohammad H. A.; Berkov, Dmitry V.; Bessarab, Pavel (American Physical Society (APS), 2021-04-29)
    A complete analytical solution to the optimal reversal of a macrospin with easy-axis anisotropy is presented. An optimal control path minimizing the energy cost of the reversal is identified and used to derive the time-dependent direction and amplitude ...
  • Vlasov, Sergei M.; Kwiatkowski, Grzegorz J.; Lobanov, Igor S.; Uzdin, Valery M.; Bessarab, Pavel (American Physical Society (APS), 2022-04-07)
    It is demonstrated by means of the optimal control theory that the energy cost of the spin-orbit torque induced reversal of a nanomagnet with perpendicular anisotropy can be strongly reduced by proper shaping of both in-plane components of the current ...
  • Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur A; Runólfsdóttir, Hrafnhildur L.; Eiríksson, Finnur Freyr; Ágústsd., Inger María Schweitz; Eðvarðsson, Viðar Örn; Pálsson, Runólfur; Þorsteinsdóttir, Margrét (2024-03-01)
    Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) deficiency is a rare , hereditary disorder characterized by renal excretion of 2,8-dihydroxyadenine (DHA), leading to kidney stone formation and chronic kidney disease (CKD). Treatment with a xanthine oxidoreductase ...
  • Sigurðardóttir, Silja Rán (Háskólinn í Reykjavík, 2014-09-30)
    Low temperature geothermal resources provide hot water that is commonly used for space heating and various applications. A geothermal resource is considered to be a renewable energy source that can be utilized by current and future generations if ...
  • Xavier, Shioya Musonye (2022-04)
    Global climate change is one of the most significant challenges that need urgent action in this century. Energy production and consumption, particularly for heat and electricity generation, account for the highest GHG emissions from anthropogenic ...
  • EuGMS SIG Pharmacology (2023-12)
    Inappropriate polypharmacy is highly prevalent among older adults and presents a significant healthcare concern. Conducting medication reviews and implementing deprescribing strategies in multimorbid older adults with polypharmacy are an inherently ...
  • Bjarnason, Thorarinn Arni; Hafþórsson, Steinar O.; Kristinsdóttir, Linda B.; Óskarsdóttir, Erna S.; Aspelund, Thor; Sigurðsson, Sigurður; Gudnason, Vilmundur; Andersen, Karl (Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2017-08-30)
    Background Type 2 diabetes and prediabetes are established risk factors for atherosclerosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the atherosclerotic plaque burden in the carotid arteries of patients with acute coronary syndrome according to their ...
  • Ingadottir, Arora Ros; Beck, Anne Marie; Baldwin, Christine; Weekes, Christine Elizabeth; Geirsdottir, Olof; Ramel, Alfons; Gislason, Thorarinn; Gunnarsdottir, Ingibjorg (BMJ, 2019-01)
    Introduction Intervention studies have mainly used oral nutritional supplements (ONS) for the management of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) identified as at nutritional risk. In this 12-month randomised feasibility trial, we ...
  • Aloui, Salma; Qureshi, Pir Abdul Ahad Aziz; Bollineni, Vikram Rao (2024-02)
    Orbital plasmacytomas are exceedingly rare neoplasms characterized by the proliferation of monoclonal plasma cells in the orbital soft tissues. Their presentation and clinical course can be diverse, making early diagnosis and management challenging. ...
  • Thorarinsdottir, Kristbjorg Anna (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Physical Sciences, 2022-06-20)
    The work in this thesis is focused on understanding the emergent properties of amorphous magnetic materials. Amorphous materials lack long-range structural ordering, characteristic of crystalline materials. Instead, these materials exhibit medium-to-short ...
  • Runólfsson, Birgir Þór (George Mason University, 1991)
    My task is to come up with a theory of cooperation and, then, apply that theory to a particular historical case. The historical case I discuss Is the rise and decline of social order in medieval Iceland; the so-called Commonwealth period. The Commonwealth ...
  • Sigfúsdóttir, Sigrún Alda; Einarsdóttir, Jóhanna T.; Karlsson, Þorlákur; Bergþórsdóttir, Íris Ösp (The Educational Research Institute, 2020-07-13)
    Tilgangur rannsóknarinnar var að bera saman áhrif beinnar og óbeinnar orðaforðakennslu hjá börnum með málþroskaröskun. Einkenni málþroskaröskunar er slök færni í tungumálinu, bæði í málskilningi og máltjáningu. Beina orðaforðakennslan fólst í að ...
  • Ragnarsdóttir, Hrafnhildur (Menntavísindasvið, Menntavísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands, 2018-12-31)
    Greinin fjallar um orðaforðahluta rannsóknar á þróun máls og læsis meðal íslenskra barna á aldrinum 4 til 8 ára. Um er að ræða viðamikla langtímarannsókn á flestum þáttum málþroska og tengslum hans við þróun læsis og félagsþroska. Til að bæta úr skorti ...
  • Ingvarsson, Haukur (Háskóli Íslands, Hugvísindasvið, Íslensku- og menningardeild, 2020-08)
    Í ritgerðinni er leitað svara við því hvernig nafn höfundarins, Williams Faulkners, varð til og þróaðist á íslenskum menningarvettvangi frá því að það bar fyrst á góma í íslenskum prentmiðli 8. maí 1933 og þar til sjöunda og síðasta þýðing Kristjáns ...
  • Sævarsson, Elvar Smári; Svansdottir, Erla; Sveinsson, Thorarinn; Asgeirsdottir, Tinna Laufey; Arngrímsson, Sigurbjörn Árni; Johannsson, Erlingur (SAGE Publications, 2017-06-30)
    Aims: The aims of this study were to study the correlation between lifestyle-related factors, such as organized leisure-time sport participation (OLSP), cardiorespiratory fitness, and adiposity, and academic achievement among preadolescents. Methods: ...
  • Ólafsdóttir, Björk (School of Education, University of Iceland, 2023-10-03)
    This thesis focuses on the external evaluation of compulsory schools in Iceland. Aligned with that focus, the aim of the research conducted for the thesis was twofold: first, to shed light on the origin of the external evaluation of compulsory schools ...
  • Walter, Ryan P.; Roy, Denis; Hussey, Nigel E.; Stelbrink, Björn; Kovacs, Kit M.; Lydersen, Christian; McMeans, Bailey C.; Svavarsson, Jörundur; Kessel, Steven T.; Biton Porsmoguer, Sebastián; Wildes, Sharon; Tribuzio, Cindy A.; Campana, Steven; Petersen, Stephen D.; Grubbs, R. Dean; Heath, Daniel D.; Hedges, Kevin J.; Fisk, Aaron T. (Wiley-Blackwell, 2017-09-08)
    erein, we use genetic data from 277 sleeper sharks to perform coalescent-based modeling to test the hypothesis of early Quaternary emergence of the Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus) from ancestral sleeper sharks in the Canadian Arctic-Subarctic ...
  • Karlsson, Vífill (2013-08-05)
    Ýmsir hafa haft áhyggjur af stöðugum straumi fólks frá landsbyggð til höfuðborgar. Ýmislegt hefur verið gert á vegum opinberra aðila til að draga úr straumnum, en með litlum árangri. Vísbendingar eru um að búferlaflutningar hafi breyst á Vesturlandi, ...
  • Gestsdóttir, Hildur (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of History and Philosophy, 2014)
    Osteoarthritis has been intensively studied within the field of palaeopathology. For decades there was assumed to be a direct link between activity and the development of osteoarthritis, and this was reflected in the work which was carried out, with ...
  • Gísladóttir, Rósa Signý (2015-01)
    The ability to repair problems with hearing or understanding in conversation is critical for successful communication. This article describes the linguistic practices of other-initiated repair (OIR) in Icelandic through quantitative and qualitative ...