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Fletta eftir efnisorði "General Chemistry"

Fletta eftir efnisorði "General Chemistry"

Röðun: Raða: Niðurstöður:

  • Mensali, Nadia; Köksal, Hakan; Joaquina, Sandy; Wernhoff, Patrik; Casey, Nicholas P.; Romecin, Paola; Panisello, Carla; Rodriguez, René; Vimeux, Lene; Juzeniene, Asta; Myhre, Marit R.; Fåne, Anne; Ramírez, Carolina Castilla; Maggadottir, Solrun Melkorka; Duru, Adil Doganay; Georgoudaki, Anna Maria; Grad, Iwona; Maturana, Andrés Daniel; Gaudernack, Gustav; Kvalheim, Gunnar; Carcaboso, Angel M.; de Alava, Enrique; Donnadieu, Emmanuel; Bruland, Øyvind S.; Menendez, Pablo; Inderberg, Else Marit; Wälchli, Sébastien (2023-06-08)
    Osteosarcoma (OS) remains a dismal malignancy in children and young adults, with poor outcome for metastatic and recurrent disease. Immunotherapies in OS are not as promising as in some other cancer types due to intra-tumor heterogeneity and considerable ...
  • Eriksson, Kimmo; Strimling, Pontus; Gelfand, Michele; Wu, Junhui; Abernathy, Jered; Akotia, Charity S.; Aldashev, Alisher; Andersson, Per A.; Andrighetto, Giulia; Anum, Adote; Arikan, Gizem; Aycan, Zeynep; Bagherian, Fatemeh; Barrera, Davide; Basnight-Brown, Dana; Batkeyev, Birzhan; Belaus, Anabel; Berezina, Elizaveta; Björnstjerna, Marie; Blumen, Sheyla; Boski, Paweł; Bou Zeineddine, Fouad; Bovina, Inna; Huyen, Bui Thi Thu; Cardenas, Juan Camilo; Čekrlija, Đorđe; Choi, Hoon Seok; Contreras-Ibáñez, Carlos C.; Costa-Lopes, Rui; de Barra, Mícheál; de Zoysa, Piyanjali; Dorrough, Angela; Dvoryanchikov, Nikolay; Eller, Anja; Engelmann, Jan B.; Euh, Hyun; Fang, Xia; Fiedler, Susann; Foster-Gimbel, Olivia A.; Fülöp, Márta; Garðarsdóttir, Ragna Benedikta; Gill, C. M.Hew D.; Glöckner, Andreas; Graf, Sylvie; Grigoryan, Ani; Gritskov, Vladimir; Growiec, Katarzyna; Halama, Peter; Hartanto, Andree; Hopthrow, Tim; Hřebíčková, M.; Iliško, D.; Imada, H.; Kapoor, H.; Kawakami, K.; Khachatryan, N.; Kharchenko, N.; Khoury, N.; Kiyonari, T.; Kohút, M.; Linh, L.T.; Leslie, L.M.; Li, Y.; Li, N.P.; Li, Z.; Liik, K.; Maitner, A.T.; Manhique, B.; Manley, H.; Medhioub, I.; Mentser, S.; Mohammed, L.; Nejat, P.; Nipassa, O.; Nussinson, R.; Onyedire, N.G.; Onyishi, I.E.; Özden, S.; Panagiotopoulou, P.; Perez-Floriano, L.R.; Persson, M.S.; Pheko, M.; Pirttilä-Backman, A.-M.; Pogosyan, M.; Raver, J.; Reyna, C.; Rodrigues, R.B.; Romanò, S.; Romero, P.P.; Sakki, I.; San Martin, A.; Sherbaji, S.; Shimizu, H.; Simpson, B.; Szabo, E.; Takemura, K.; Tieffi, H.; Mendes Teixeira, M.L.; Thanomkul, N.; Tiliouine, H.; Travaglino, G.A.; Tsirbas, Y.; Wan, R.; Widodo, S.; Zein, R.; Zhang, Q.-P.; Zirganou-Kazolea, L.; Van Lange, P.A.M. (2021-04-26)
    The original version of this Article contained an error in the author affiliations. Cecilia Reyna was incorrectly associated with ‘Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC). Facultad de Psicología (UNC), Ciudad Universitaria, Bv. de la Reforma esquina, ...
  • Fatty Acids and Outcomes Research Consortium (FORCE) (2021-04-22)
    The health effects of omega-3 fatty acids have been controversial. Here we report the results of a de novo pooled analysis conducted with data from 17 prospective cohort studies examining the associations between blood omega-3 fatty acid levels and ...
  • Hamm, Michael; Sohier, Pierre; Petit, Valérie; Raymond, Jérémy H.; Delmas, Véronique; Le Coz, Madeleine; Gesbert, Franck; Kenny, Colin; Aktary, Zackie; Pouteaux, Marie; Rambow, Florian; Sarasin, Alain; Charoenchon, Nisamanee; Bellacosa, Alfonso; Sanchez-del-Campo, Luis; Mosteo, Laura; Lauss, Martin; Meijer, Dies; Steingrímsson, Eiríkur; Jönsson, Göran B.; Cornell, Robert A.; Davidson, Irwin; Goding, Colin R.; Larue, Lionel (2021-06-17)
    While the major drivers of melanoma initiation, including activation of NRAS/BRAF and loss of PTEN or CDKN2A, have been identified, the role of key transcription factors that impose altered transcriptional states in response to deregulated signaling ...
  • Emilsson, Valur; Gudmundsdottir, Valborg; Gudjonsson, Alexander; Jonmundsson, Thorarinn; Jonsson, Brynjolfur G; Karim, Mohd A; Ilkov, Marjan; Staley, James R; Gudmundsson, Elias F; Launer, Lenore J; Lindeman, Jan H; Morton, Nicholas M; Aspelund, Thor; Lamb, John R; Jennings, Lori L; Gudnason, Vilmundur (2022-01-25)
    Circulating proteins can be used to diagnose and predict disease-related outcomes. A deep serum proteome survey recently revealed close associations between serum protein networks and common disease. In the current study, 54,469 low-frequency and common ...
  • Went, Molly; Duran-Lozano, Laura; Halldorsson, Gisli H.; Gunnell, Andrea; Ugidos-Damboriena, Nerea; Law, Philip; Ekdahl, Ludvig; Sud, Amit; Thorleifsson, Gudmar; Thodberg, Malte; Ólafsdóttir, Þórunn Ásta; Lamarca-Arrizabalaga, Antton; Cafaro, Caterina; Niroula, Abhishek; Ajore, Ram; Lopez de Lapuente Portilla, Aitzkoa; Ali, Zain; Pertesi, Maroulio; Goldschmidt, Hartmut; Stefansdottir, Lilja; Kristinsson, Sigurður Yngvi; Stacey, Simon N.; Löve, Þorvarður Jón; Rögnvaldsson, Sæmundur; Hajek, Roman; Vodicka, Pavel; Pettersson-Kymmer, Ulrika; Späth, Florentin; Schinke, Carolina; Van Rhee, Frits; Sulem, Patrick; Ferkingstad, Egil; Hjorleifsson Eldjarn, Grimur; Mellqvist, Ulf Henrik; Jonsdottir, Ingileif; Morgan, Gareth; Sonneveld, Pieter; Waage, Anders; Weinhold, Niels; Thomsen, Hauke; Försti, Asta; Hansson, Markus; Juul-Vangsted, Annette; Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur; Hemminki, Kari; Kaiser, Martin; Rafnar, Thorunn; Stefansson, Kari; Houlston, Richard; Nilsson, Björn (2024-08-05)
    Multiple myeloma (MM) is an incurable malignancy of plasma cells. Epidemiological studies indicate a substantial heritable component, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Here, in a genome-wide association study totaling 10,906 cases and 366,221 ...
  • DBDS Genomic Consortium (2023-06-10)
    Genotypes causing pregnancy loss and perinatal mortality are depleted among living individuals and are therefore difficult to find. To explore genetic causes of recessive lethality, we searched for sequence variants with deficit of homozygosity among ...
  • Norddahl, Gudmundur L.; Melsted, Páll; Gunnarsdottir, Kristbjorg; Halldórsson, Gísli Hreinn; Olafsdottir, Thorunn; Gylfason, Arnaldur; Kristjánsson, Már; Magnusson, Olafur T.; sulem, patrick; Gudbjartsson, Daniel Fannar; Þorsteinsdóttir, Unnur; Jónsdóttir, Ingileif; Stefánsson, Kári (2022-09-28)
    By the end of July 2021, the majority of the Icelandic population had received vaccination against COVID-19. In mid-July a wave of SARS-CoV-2 infections, dominated by the Delta variant, spread through the population, followed by an Omicron wave in ...
  • The PRACTICAL consortium; Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur (2019-12-01)
    The original version of this Article contained an error in the spelling of a member of the PRACTICAL Consortium, Manuela Gago-Dominguez, which was incorrectly given as Manuela Gago Dominguez. This has now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions ...
  • Ajore, Ram; Niroula, Abhishek; Pertesi, Maroulio; Cafaro, Caterina; Thodberg, Malte; Went, Molly; Bao, Erik L.; Duran-Lozano, Laura; Lopez de Lapuente Portilla, Aitzkoa; Olafsdottir, Thorunn; Ugidos-Damboriena, Nerea; Magnusson, Olafur; Samur, Mehmet; Lareau, Caleb A.; Halldorsson, Gisli H.; Thorleifsson, Gudmar; Norddahl, Gudmundur L.; Gunnarsdottir, Kristbjorg; Försti, Asta; Goldschmidt, Hartmut; Hemminki, Kari; van Rhee, Frits; Kimber, Scott; Sperling, Adam S.; Kaiser, Martin; Anderson, Kenneth; Jonsdottir, Ingileif; Munshi, Nikhil; Rafnar, Thorunn; Waage, Anders; Weinhold, Niels; Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur; Sankaran, Vijay G.; Stefansson, Kari; Houlston, Richard; Nilsson, Björn (2022-01-10)
    Thousands of non-coding variants have been associated with increased risk of human diseases, yet the causal variants and their mechanisms-of-action remain obscure. In an integrative study combining massively parallel reporter assays (MPRA), expression ...
  • DCCT/EDIC Research Group; Arnar, Davíð Ottó (2023-08-02)
    Resting heart rate is associated with cardiovascular diseases and mortality in observational and Mendelian randomization studies. The aims of this study are to extend the number of resting heart rate associated genetic variants and to obtain further ...
  • FINNPEC Consortium; GOPEC Consortium; Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur (2020-12)
    Preeclampsia is a serious complication of pregnancy, affecting both maternal and fetal health. In genome-wide association meta-analysis of European and Central Asian mothers, we identify sequence variants that associate with preeclampsia in the maternal ...
  • Teumer, Alexander; Li, Yong; Ghasemi, Sahar; Prins, Bram P.; Wuttke, Matthias; Hermle, Tobias; Giri, Ayush; Sieber, Karsten B.; Qiu, Chengxiang; Kirsten, Holger; Tin, Adrienne; Chu, Audrey Y.; Bansal, Nisha; Feitosa, Mary F.; Wang, Lihua; Chai, Jin Fang; Cocca, Massimiliano; Fuchsberger, Christian; Gorski, Mathias; Hoppmann, Anselm; Horn, Katrin; Li, Man; Marten, Jonathan; Noce, Damia; Nutile, Teresa; Sedaghat, Sanaz; Sveinbjornsson, Gardar; Tayo, Bamidele O.; van der Most, Peter J.; Xu, Yizhe; Yu, Zhi; Gerstner, Lea; Ärnlöv, Johan; Bakker, Stephan J.L.; Baptista, Daniela; Biggs, Mary L.; Boerwinkle, Eric; Brenner, Hermann; Burkhardt, Ralph; Carroll, Robert J.; Chee, Miao Li; Chee, Miao Ling; Chen, Mengmeng; Cheng, Ching Yu; Cook, James P.; Coresh, Josef; Corre, Tanguy; Danesh, John; de Borst, Martin H.; De Grandi, Alessandro; de Mutsert, Renée; de Vries, Aiko P.J.; Degenhardt, Frauke; Dittrich, Katalin; Divers, Jasmin; Eckardt, Kai Uwe; Ehret, Georg; Endlich, Karlhans; Felix, Janine F.; Franco, Oscar H.; Franke, Andre; Freedman, Barry I.; Freitag-Wolf, Sandra; Gansevoort, Ron T.; Giedraitis, Vilmantas; Gögele, Martin; Grundner-Culemann, Franziska; Gudbjartsson, Daniel F.; Gudnason, Vilmundur; Hamet, Pavel; Harris, Tamara B.; Hicks, Andrew A.; Holm, Hilma; Foo, Valencia Hui Xian; Hwang, Shih Jen; Ikram, M. Arfan; Ingelsson, Erik; Jaddoe, Vincent W.V.; Jakobsdottir, Johanna; Josyula, Navya Shilpa; Jung, Bettina; Kähönen, Mika; Khor, Chiea Chuen; Kiess, Wieland; Koenig, Wolfgang; Körner, Antje; Kovacs, Peter; Kramer, Holly; Krämer, Bernhard K.; Kronenberg, Florian; Lange, Leslie A.; Langefeld, Carl D.; Lee, Jeannette Jen Mai; Lehtimäki, Terho; Lieb, Wolfgang; Lim, Su Chi; Lind, Lars; Lindgren, Cecilia M.; Liu, Jianjun; Loeffler, Markus; Lyytikäinen, Leo Pekka; Mahajan, Anubha; Maranville, Joseph C.; Mascalzoni, Deborah; McMullen, Barbara; Meisinger, Christa; Meitinger, Thomas; Miliku, Kozeta; Mook-Kanamori, Dennis O.; Müller-Nurasyid, Martina; Mychaleckyj, Josyf C.; Nauck, Matthias; Nikus, Kjell; Ning, Boting; Noordam, Raymond; Connell, Jeffrey O’; Olafsson, Isleifur; Palmer, Nicholette D.; Peters, Annette; Podgornaia, Anna I.; Ponte, Belen; Poulain, Tanja; Pramstaller, Peter P.; Rabelink, Ton J.; Raffield, Laura M.; Reilly, Dermot F.; Rettig, Rainer; Rheinberger, Myriam; Rice, Kenneth M.; Rivadeneira, Fernando; Runz, Heiko; Ryan, Kathleen A.; Sabanayagam, Charumathi; Saum, Kai Uwe; Schöttker, Ben; Shaffer, Christian M.; Shi, Yuan; Smith, Albert V.; Strauch, Konstantin; Stumvoll, Michael; Sun, Benjamin B.; Szymczak, Silke; Tai, E. Shyong; Tan, Nicholas Y.Q.; Taylor, Kent D.; Teren, Andrej; Tham, Yih Chung; Thiery, Joachim; Thio, Chris H.L.; Thomsen, Hauke; Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur; Tönjes, Anke; Tremblay, Johanne; Uitterlinden, André G.; van der Harst, Pim; Verweij, Niek; Vogelezang, Suzanne; Völker, Uwe; Waldenberger, Melanie; Wang, Chaolong; Wilson, Otis D.; Wong, Charlene; Wong, Tien Yin; Yang, Qiong; Yasuda, Masayuki; Akilesh, Shreeram; Bochud, Murielle; Böger, Carsten A.; Devuyst, Olivier; Edwards, Todd L.; Ho, Kevin; Morris, Andrew P.; Parsa, Afshin; Pendergrass, Sarah A.; Psaty, Bruce M.; Rotter, Jerome I.; Stefansson, Kari; Wilson, James G.; Susztak, Katalin; Snieder, Harold; Heid, Iris M.; Scholz, Markus; Butterworth, Adam S.; Hung, Adriana M.; Pattaro, Cristian; Köttgen, Anna (2019-12-01)
    Increased levels of the urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR) are associated with higher risk of kidney disease progression and cardiovascular events, but underlying mechanisms are incompletely understood. Here, we conduct trans-ethnic (n = 564,257) ...
  • DBDS Genetic Consortium (2022-03-24)
    Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common entrapment neuropathy and has a largely unknown underlying biology. In a genome-wide association study of CTS (48,843 cases and 1,190,837 controls), we found 53 sequence variants at 50 loci associated ...
  • Amin, Hesham; Šantl-Temkiv, Tina; Cramer, Christine; Finster, Kai; Real, Francisco Gomez; Gíslason, Þórarinn; Holm, Mathias; Janson, Christer; Jögi, Nils Oskar; Jogi, Rain; Malinovschi, Andrei; Marshall, Ian P G; Modig, Lars; Norbäck, Dan; Shigdel, Rajesh; Sigsgaard, Torben; Svanes, Cecilie; Þórarinsdóttir, Hulda Rósa; Wouters, Inge M; Schlünssen, Vivi; Bertelsen, Randi J (2023-08-15)
    Airborne bacteria and endotoxin may affect asthma and allergies. However, there is limited understanding of the environmental determinants that influence them. This study investigated the airborne microbiomes in the homes of 1038 participants from five ...
  • Hamel, Andrew R.; Yan, Wenjun; Rouhana, John M.; Monovarfeshani, Aboozar; Jiang, Xinyi; Mehta, Puja A.; Advani, Jayshree; Luo, Yuyang; Liang, Qingnan; Rajasundaram, Skanda; Shrivastava, Arushi; Duchinski, Katherine; Mantena, Sreekar; Wang, Jiali; van Zyl, Tavé; Pasquale, Louis R.; Swaroop, Anand; Gharahkhani, Puya; Khawaja, Anthony P.; MacGregor, Stuart; Hewitt, Alex W.; Schuster, Alexander K.; Viswanathan, Ananth C.; Lotery, Andrew J.; Cree, Angela J.; Pang, Calvin P.; Brandl, Caroline; Klaver, Caroline C.W.; Hayward, Caroline; Khor, Chiea Chuen; Cheng, Ching Yu; Hammond, Christopher J.; van Duijn, Cornelia; Mackey, David A.; Stefansson, Einer; Vithana, Eranga N.; Pasutto, Francesca; Jonansson, Fridbert; Thorleifsson, Gudmar; Koh, Jacyline; Wilson, James F.; Craig, Jamie E.; Vergroesen, Joëlle E.; Fingert, John H.; Jonas, Jost B.; Stefánsson, Kári; Burdon, Kathryn P.; Chen, Li Jia; Kass, Michael; Jansonius, Nomdo M.; Pfeiffer, Norbert; Polašek, Ozren; Foster, Paul J.; Mitchell, Paul; Hysi, Pirro G.; Wojciechowski, Robert; Driessen, Sjoerd J.; Tompson, Stuart W.J.; Young, Terri L.; Wong, Tien Y.; Aung, Tin; Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur; de Vries, Victor A.; Ramdas, Wishal D.; Wang, Ya Xing; Chen, Rui; Vitart, Veronique; Sanes, Joshua R.; Wiggs, Janey L.; Segrè, Ayellet V. (2024-01-09)
    Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), characterized by retinal ganglion cell death, is a leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. However, its molecular and cellular causes are not well understood. Elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) is a major ...
  • Thorhallsson, Albert Th.; Benediktsson, Bardi; Bjornsson, Ragnar (Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), 2019-10-15)
    Molybdenum nitrogenase is one of the most intriguing metalloenzymes in nature, featuring an exotic iron-molybdenum-sulfur cofactor, FeMoco, whose mode of action remains elusive. In particular, the molecular and electronic structure of the N2-binding ...
  • March, Michael E.; Gutierrez-Uzquiza, Alvaro; Snorradottir, Asbjorg Osk; Matsuoka, Leticia S.; Balvis, Noelia Fonseca; Gestsson, Thorgeir; Nguyen, Kenny; Sleiman, Patrick M.A.; Kao, Charlly; Ísaksson, Helgi Jóhannes; Bragason, Birkir Thor; Ólafsson, Elías; Palsdottir, Astridur; Hakonarson, Hakon (2021-03-23)
    Hereditary cystatin C amyloid angiopathy is a dominantly inherited disease caused by a leucine to glutamine variant of human cystatin C (hCC). L68Q-hCC forms amyloid deposits in brain arteries associated with micro-infarcts, leading ultimately to ...
  • Árnadóttir, Guðný Anna; Oddsson, Asmundur; Jensson, Brynjar O.; Gisladottir, Svanborg; Simon, Mariella T.; Arnthorsson, Asgeir O.; Katrinardottir, Hildigunnur; Fridriksdottir, Run; Ivarsdottir, Erna V.; Jonasdottir, Adalbjorg; Jonasdottir, Aslaug; Barrick, Rebekah; Saemundsdottir, Jona; le Roux, Louise; Oskarsson, Gudjon R.; Ásmundsson, Jurate; Steffensen, Þóra Steinunn; Gudmundsson, Kjartan R.; Ludvigsson, Petur; Jonsson, Jon J.; Masson, Gisli; Jonsdottir, Ingileif; Holm, Hilma; Jonasson, Jon G.; Magnusson, Olafur Th; Thorarensen, Olafur; Abdenur, Jose; Norddahl, Gudmundur L.; Gudbjartsson, Daniel F.; Bjornsson, Hans T.; Þorsteinsdóttir, Unnur; Sulem, Patrick; Stefánsson, Kári (2022-02-04)
    Predicting the pathogenicity of biallelic missense variants can be challenging. Here, we use a deficit of observed homozygous carriers of missense variants, versus an expected number in a set of 153,054 chip-genotyped Icelanders, to identify potentially ...
  • Emilsson, Valur; Gudmundsson, Elias F; Jonmundsson, Thorarinn; Jonsson, Brynjolfur G; Twarog, Michael; Gudmundsdottir, Valborg; Li, Zhiguang; Finkel, Nancy; Poor, Stephen; Liu, Xin; Esterberg, Robert; Zhang, Yiyun; Jose, Sandra; Huang, Chia-Ling; Liao, Sha-Mei; Loureiro, Joseph; Zhang, Qin; Grosskreutz, Cynthia L; Nguyen, Andrew A; Huang, Qian; Leehy, Barrett; Pitts, Rebecca; Aspelund, Thor; Lamb, John R; Jonasson, Fridbert; Launer, Lenore J; Cotch, Mary Frances; Jennings, Lori L; Gudnason, Vilmundur; Walshe, Tony E (2022-06-13)
    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is one of the most common causes of visual impairment in the elderly, with a complex and still poorly understood etiology. Whole-genome association studies have discovered 34 genomic regions associated with AMD. ...