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Röðun: Raða: Niðurstöður:

  • Stevens, Bjorn; Brogniez, Hélène; Kiemle, Christoph; Lacour, Jean-Lionel; Crevoisier, Cyril; Kiliani, Johannes (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2017-07-26)
    In situ, airborne and satellite measurements are used to characterize the structure of water vapor in the lower tropical troposphere—below the height, z∗, of the triple-point isotherm, T∗. The measurements are evaluated in light of understanding of how ...
  • Gustmann, Henrik; Segler, Anna-Lena J; Gophane, Dnyaneshwar B; Reuss, Andreas J; Grünewald, Christian; Braun, Markus; Weigand, Julia; Sigurdsson, Snorri; Wachtveitl, Josef (Oxford University Press (OUP), 2018-11-20)
    The ability of the cytidine analog Ç m f to act as a position specific reporter of RNA-dynamics was spectroscopically evaluated. Ç m f-labeled single-and double-stranded RNAs differ in their fluorescence lifetimes, quantum yields and anisotropies. These ...
  • Kibis, Oleg; Kyriienko, O.; Shelykh, Ivan (IOP Publishing, 2019-04-12)
    We present the theory describing the various surface electronic states arisen from the mixing of conduction and valence bands in a strained mercury telluride (HgTe) bulk material. We demonstrate that the strain-induced band gap in the Brillouin zone ...
  • on behalf of Lifting The Burden: the Global Campaign against Headache (2021-07-21)
    In countries where headache services exist at all, their focus is usually on specialist (tertiary) care. This is clinically and economically inappropriate: most headache disorders can effectively and more efficiently (and at lower cost) be treated in ...
  • Oddsson, Sebastian; Kowal, Natalia Magdalena; Ahring, Philip K.; Olafsdottir, Elin Soffia; Balle, Thomas (MDPI AG, 2020-06-22)
    Despite extensive efforts in the development of drugs for complex neurodegenerative diseases, treatment often remains challenging or ineffective, and hence new treatment strategies are necessary. One approach is the design of multi-target drugs, which ...
  • Jónasson, Gunnar Börkur; Macdonald, A.; Kristinsdóttir, Guðrún (2014)
  • Freeman, Mark A.; Kristmundsson, Árni (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2018-10-22)
    Background: The myxosporean Myxidium giardi Cépède, 1906 was described infecting the kidney of the European eel, Anguilla anguilla (L.), having spindle-shaped myxospores and terminal sub-spherical polar capsules. Since then, numerous anguillid eels ...
  • Stefnánsson, Bergur V. (University of Gothenburg. Sahlgrenska Academy, 2011)
    In patients with chronic kidney disease, treatment with erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESA) effectively corrects anemia. Most of these patients also need supplementation with regular iron injections to secure iron availability for proper ...
  • TransBioLine consortium (2023-09-12)
    A lack of biomarkers that detect drug-induced liver injury (DILI) accurately continues to hinder early- and late-stage drug development and remains a challenge in clinical practice. The Innovative Medicines Initiative's TransBioLine consortium comprising ...
  • Kopacz, Nina; Csuka, Joleen Mary; Baqué, Mickael; Iakubivskyi, Iaroslav; Guðlaugardóttir, Hrefna; Klarenberg, Ingeborg J.; Ahmed, Mahid; Zetterlind, Alexandra; Singh, Abhijeet; Kate, Inge L. ten; Hellebrand, Eric; Stockwell, Brent; Stefánsson, Árni B.; Vilhelmsson, Oddur; Neubeck, Anna; Schnürer, Anna; Geppert, Wolf (2022-05)
    Lava tubes on Mars hold exciting potential for the preservation of biosignatures, which may survive on geological timescales in these isolated, stable environments. To support the development of future astrobiological mission concepts, we turn to ...
  • Davies, Gail; Lam, Max; Harris, Sarah E.; Trampush, Joey W.; Luciano, Michelle; Hill, W. David; Hagenaars, Saskia P.; Ritchie, Stuart J.; Marioni, Riccardo E.; Fawns-Ritchie, Chloe; Liewald, David C. M.; Okely, Judith A.; Ahola-Olli, Ari V.; Barnes, Catriona L. K.; Bertram, Lars; Bis, Joshua C.; Burdick, Katherine E.; Christoforou, Andrea; DeRosse, Pamela; Djurovic, Srdjan; Espeseth, Thomas; Giakoumaki, Stella; Giddaluru, Sudheer; Gustavson, Daniel E.; Hayward, Caroline; Hofer, Edith; Ikram, M. Arfan; Karlsson, Robert; Knowles, Emma; Lahti, Jari; Leber, Markus; Li, Shuo; Mather, Karen A.; Melle, Ingrid; Morris, Derek; Oldmeadow, Christopher; Palviainen, Teemu; Payton, Antony; Pazoki, Raha; Petrovic, Katja; Reynolds, Chandra A.; Sargurupremraj, Muralidharan; Scholz, Markus; Smith, Jennifer A.; Smith, Albert Vernon; Terzikhan, Natalie; Thalamuthu, Anbupalam; Trompet, Stella; van der Lee, Sven J.; Ware, Erin B.; Windham, B. Gwen; Wright, Margaret J.; Yang, Jingyun; Yu, Jin; Ames, David; Amin, Najaf; Amouyel, Philippe; Andreassen, Ole A.; Armstrong, Nicola J.; Assareh, Amelia A.; Attia, John R.; Attix, Deborah; Avramopoulos, Dimitrios; Bennett, David A.; Böhmer, Anne C.; Boyle, Patricia A.; Brodaty, Henry; Campbell, Harry; Cannon, Tyrone D.; Cirulli, Elizabeth T.; Congdon, Eliza; Conley, Emily Drabant; Corley, Janie; Cox, Simon R.; Dale, Anders M.; Dehghan, Abbas; Dick, Danielle; Dickinson, Dwight; Eriksson, Johan G.; Evangelou, Evangelos; Faul, Jessica D.; Ford, Ian; Freimer, Nelson A.; Gao, He; Giegling, Ina; Gillespie, Nathan A.; Gordon, Scott D.; Gottesman, Rebecca F.; Griswold, Michael E.; Gudnason, Vilmundur; Harris, Tamara B.; Hartmann, Annette M.; Hatzimanolis, Alex; Heiss, Gerardo; Holliday, Elizabeth G.; Joshi, Peter K.; Kähönen, Mika; Kardia, Sharon L. R.; Karlsson, Ida; Kleineidam, Luca; Knopman, David S.; Kochan, Nicole A.; Konte, Bettina; Kwok, John B.; Le Hellard, Stephanie; Lee, Teresa; Lehtimäki, Terho; Li, Shu-Chen; Lill, Christina M.; Liu, Tian; Koini, Marisa; London, Edythe; Longstreth, Will T.; Lopez, Oscar L.; Loukola, Anu; Luck, Tobias; Lundervold, Astri J.; Lundquist, Anders; Lyytikäinen, Leo-Pekka; Martin, Nicholas G.; Montgomery, Grant W.; Murray, Alison D.; Need, Anna C.; Noordam, Raymond; Nyberg, Lars; Ollier, William; Papenberg, Goran; Pattie, Alison; Polasek, Ozren; Poldrack, Russell A.; Psaty, Bruce M.; Reppermund, Simone; Riedel-Heller, Steffi G.; Rose, Richard J.; Rotter, Jerome I.; Roussos, Panos; Rovio, Suvi P.; Saba, Yasaman; Sabb, Fred W.; Sachdev, Perminder S.; Satizabal, Claudia L.; Schmid, Matthias; Scott, Rodney J.; Scult, Matthew A.; Simino, Jeannette; Slagboom, P. Eline; Smyrnis, Nikolaos; Soumaré, Aïcha; Stefanis, Nikos C.; Stott, David J.; Straub, Richard E.; Sundet, Kjetil; Taylor, Adele M.; Taylor, Kent D.; Tzoulaki, Ioanna; Tzourio, Christophe; Uitterlinden, André; Vitart, Veronique; Voineskos, Aristotle N.; Kaprio, Jaakko; Wagner, Michael; Wagner, Holger; Weinhold, Leonie; Wen, K. Hoyan; Widen, Elisabeth; Yang, Qiong; Zhao, Wei; Adams, Hieab H. H.; Arking, Dan E.; Bilder, Robert M.; Bitsios, Panos; Boerwinkle, Eric; Chiba-Falek, Ornit; Corvin, Aiden; De Jager, Philip L.; Debette, Stéphanie; Donohoe, Gary; Elliott, Paul; Fitzpatrick, Annette L.; Gill, Michael; Glahn, David C.; Hägg, Sara; Hansell, Narelle K.; Hariri, Ahmad R.; Ikram, M. Kamran; Jukema, J. Wouter; Vuoksimaa, Eero; Keller, Matthew C.; Kremen, William S.; Launer, Lenore; Lindenberger, Ulman; Palotie, Aarno; Pedersen, Nancy L.; Pendleton, Neil; Porteous, David J.; Räikkönen, Katri; Raitakari, Olli T.; Ramirez, Alfredo; Reinvang, Ivar; Rudan, Igor (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2018-05-29)
    General cognitive function is a prominent and relatively stable human trait that is associated with many important life outcomes. We combine cognitive and genetic data from the CHARGE and COGENT consortia, and UK Biobank (total N = 300,486; age 16–102) ...
  • Abdullah, Nzar Rauf; Rashid, Hunar Omar; Guðmundsson, Viðar (2021-08)
    We study the effects of an attractive interaction between the boron (B) and the nitrogen (N) atoms doped in a bilayer graphene (BLG), BC14N, on the electronic, the thermal and the optical properties for two different types of a doping process: First, ...
  • Safavi, Aysan; Richter, Christiaan; Unnthorsson, Runar (2024-01-30)
    Pyrolysis is a technology capable of harnessing energy from challenging-to-recycle plastics, thus mitigating the necessity for incineration or landfill disposal. To optimize the plastic pyrolysis process, reliable models for product yield prediction ...
  • Diab, Ahmad (Háskólinn í Reykjavík, 2015-09-21)
    The uterine EMG -called Electrohysterogramme (EHG)- temporal, frequency, and time-frequency characteristics have been used for a long time for the prediction of preterm labor. However, the investigation of its propagation is rare. All the results of ...
  • Šlapanská, M; Hecimovic, A; Gudmundsson, Jon Tomas; Hnilica, J; Breilmann, W; Vašina, P; von Keudell, A (IOP Publishing, 2020-02-07)
    The self-organised plasma patterns, known as spokes or ionisation zones in magnetron sputtering discharges, were observed in a wide range of power densities, from low power direct current magnetron sputtering (dcMS) discharge to high power impulse ...
  • Róbertsdóttir, Sigurbjörg; Björnsdóttir, Amalía; Hansen, Börkur (Menntavísindastofnun, Menntavísindasvið, Háskóli Íslands, 2019-12-15)
    Starfsumhverfi skólastjóra hefur breyst mjög mikið á undanförnum árum, orðið flóknara og starfið viðameira. Með breyttu starfsumhverfi og auknu álagi er stuðningur í starfi þýðingarmikill. Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að kanna viðhorf skólastjóra ...
  • Sigurðardóttir, Sigríður Margrét (2018-09-14)
    Í þessari grein eru kynntar niðurstöður rannsóknar þar sem markmiðið var að varpa ljósi á viðhorf og reynslu skólastjóra leik- og grunnskóla af stuðningi við þá af hálfu fræðsluyfirvalda sveitarfélaga sem og annarra, bæði í starfi og til að sækja ...
  • Angantýsson, Ásgrímur (Fróðskapur - Faroe University Press, 2019)
    Endamálið við hesi grein er tvíbýtt. Øðrumegin er tað at útvega eitt yvirlit yvir setningsgerðir við S1 (sagnorð-eitt), S2 (sagnorð-tvey) og S3 (sagnorð-trý) í høvuðssetningum í íslendskum og føroyskum, og roynt verður at kanna, í hvussu stóran mun tey ...
  • Hreinsdóttir, Anna Magnea (2023-08-26)
    Þörf hefur verið á því að styrkja leikskólastigið á Íslandi á undanförnum árum. Árið 2020 var stofnaður starfshópur á vegum menntamálaráðherra sem skilaði af sér lokaskýrslu árið 2021 um styrkingu leikskólastigsins. Hópurinn lagði fram fjölþættar ...