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  • Garðarsdóttir, Ólöf; Guttormsson, Loftur; Hálfdánarson, Guðmundur (2001)
  • Eiriksson, Haukur; Bessason, Bjarni; Unnthorsson, Runar (Wiley-Blackwell, 2018-05-30)
    Knowledge about the plastic behavior of reinforcement steel bars in reinforced concrete (RC) structures is important, especially for seismic design. This paper presents the results of experimental tests where the main aim was to map the plastic ...
  • Harðarson, Gísli (Linguistic Society of America, 2020-03-23)
    This paper discusses parallels between the conditioning of phonological processes at the word- and phrase-level. The approach taken here is a direct reference approach in which apparent mismatches between morphosyntactic domains and phonological domains ...
  • Ng, R.; Björnsson, Hans Tómas; Fahrner, Jill A.; Harris, Jacqueline R. (2023-02)
    BACKGROUND: Wiedemann-Steiner syndrome (WSS) is a rare genetic disorder caused by heterozygous variants in KMT2A. To date, the cognitive profile associated with WSS remains largely unknown, although emergent case series implicate increased risk of ...
  • Macdonald, Jed (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, 2019-05)
    Movements of animals en masse are impressive phenomena that continue to fascinate scientists of all persuasions. Fishes display some of the most striking examples, and an extensive literature has explored the subject in marine species with long ...
  • Zheng, Shijie C.; Stein-O’Brien, Genevieve; Augustin, Jonathan J.; Slosberg, Jared; Carosso, Giovanni A.; Winer, Briana; Shin, Gloria; Björnsson, Hans Tómas; Goff, Loyal A.; Hansen, Kasper D. (2022-01-31)
    Background: The cell cycle is a highly conserved, continuous process which controls faithful replication and division of cells. Single-cell technologies have enabled increasingly precise measurements of the cell cycle both as a biological process of ...
  • Liu, Dong; Liu, Cong; Wang, Xiyin; Ingvarsson, Sigurður; Chen, Huiping (Scientific Research Publishing, Inc,, 2012)
    It is known that RNA editing occurs in human cells, which can change the information transmission from DNA to RNA and proteins. Most previous studies have focused on editing of the mRNAs. Here we reported that several kinds of RNAs, including miRNA, ...
  • Bjarnason, Thoroddur; Edvardsson, Ingi Runar (Elsevier BV, 2017-08)
    Low levels of education have serious social, economic and cultural ramifications in rural areas. In many countries, regional universities have explicitly been built to educate the local population, create professional jobs and stimulate innovation. ...
  • Mörk, Svava Björg (2021-01-21)
    Developing a third space in preschool teacher education is fundamental for a true partnership to thrive. Strong partnerships between stakeholders in teacher education can empower student teachers and influence their professional development. However, ...
  • Bonetto, Giulia; Kamen, Yasmine; Evans, Kimberley Anne; Karadottir, Ragnhildur Thora (Frontiers Media SA, 2020-06-11)
    Plasticity in the central nervous system (CNS) allows for responses to changing environmental signals. While the majority of studies on brain plasticity focus on neuronal synapses, myelin plasticity has now begun to emerge as a potential modulator of ...
  • Vu, Hong Nhung (2023-06)
    Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF) is known as an essential regulator of melanocyte differentiation, proliferation, survival, and differentiation of multiple cell lineages, including neural crest-derived melanocytes, pigmented ...
  • Grétarsson, Kristján Hólm (University of Iceland, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, 2020-12)
    Umframerfðastjórnprótein taka þátt í að stjórna mismunandi genatjáningu og koma þannig up sérhæfðu umframerfðamengi í frumum sem allar hafa sama erfðamengið. Það er mikilvægt að skilja hvernig umframerfðamerkjum er stjórnað snemma í fósturþroskun ...
  • Sigurðsson, Þorgeir (University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies, 2019-06-03)
    ARINBJARNARKVIÐA is an Old Norse poem in the kviðuháttr meter. It is composed in praise of Arinbjǫrn Þórisson, a friend of the skald Egill Skallagrímsson. The only source of the poem, except for a few citations in scholarly work, is page 99v in the ...
  • Zhao, Bin; Ulfarsson, Magnus; Sveinsson, Jóhannes Rúnar; Chanussot, Jocelyn (MDPI AG, 2020-04-07)
    This paper proposes three feature extraction (FE) methods based on density estimation for hyperspectral images (HSIs). The methods are a mixture of factor analyzers (MFA), deep MFA (DMFA), and supervised MFA (SMFA). The MFA extends the Gaussian mixture ...
  • Nguyen, Han Van (University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2022-12-08)
    Optical remote sensing (RS) uses optical sensors to create images of the Earth's surface. Those imaging sensors are mounted on spaceborne or airborne vehicles and capture visible, near-infrared, and shortwave infrared radiation reflected from the Earth's ...
  • Watkins, N. D.; McDougall, Ian; Kristjánsson, Leó (1977-06-01)
    A total of 362 successive lava flows, which were extruded at a regular rate between t= 6.7 and 1.6 Myr in the Borgarfjördur area of Western Iceland, have been subjected to palaeomagnetic study. In contrast to the result of a study by Wilson & McElhinny ...
  • Arngrímsson, Arnar Davíð; Sigurgeirsson, Hersir; Ásmundsson, Jakob Már (Viðskiptafræðideild og hagfræðideild Háskóla Íslands, viðskiptafræðideild Háskólans í Reykjavík og Seðlabanki Íslands, 2018-06-25)
    Alþjóðlegar reglur og venjur um framkvæmd afleiðusamninga hafa í gegnum tíðina mótast af dómafordæmum. Saga afleiðusamninga á Íslandi er stutt og framan af komu ekki mörg deilumál til kasta dómstóla. Þetta breyttist í kjölfar bankahrunsins árið 2008 ...
  • Hreinsdóttir, Anna Magnea; Dýrfjörð, Kristín (2021-12-09)
    Klukkan mótar skipulag á leikskólum en upplifun barna á tíma er ekki sú sama og fullorðinna. Markmið rannsóknarinnar sem sagt er frá í greininni var að leita eftir upplifun barna á dvalartíma sínum í leikskóla og varpa ljósi á hvaða þættir hafa áhrif ...
  • Kristbergsdóttir, Hlín (2011-05-27)
    Ritgerðin byggir á tveimur greinum sem báðar fjalla um upplifun starfsmanns af vinnustað, starfi og vinnuveitanda. Önnur greinin hefur verið birt í íslensku ritrýndu tímariti en sú seinni er áætlað að birta í virtu erlendu ritrýndu vísindariti. Opnað ...
  • Jakobsdóttir, Sólveig; Hjartarson, Torfi; Þórhallsdóttir, Bergþóra (Háskólaútgáfan, 2014)
    Í þessum kafla er er lýst þeim hluta rannsóknarinnar á starfsháttum í grunnskólum þar sem markmiðið var að skoða áhrif upplýsingatækni á nám og kennslu. Upplýsingatækni er ætlað að gegna lykilhlutverki í skólastarfi og þróun nútímaskóla og tengist ...