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Fletta eftir höfundi "cc78e942-f5f7-4abe-afb9-73d64514c7e7"

Fletta eftir höfundi "cc78e942-f5f7-4abe-afb9-73d64514c7e7"

Röðun: Raða: Niðurstöður:

  • Duus Weinreich, Ilse; Andersson, Tommy; Andrésdóttir, Margrét Birna; Bengtsson, Mats; Biglarnia, Alireza; Bistrup, Claus; Boulland, Line; Bruunsgaard, Helle; Helanterä, Ilkka; Kölvald, Kulli; Lauronen, Jouni; Lindahl, Jørn Petter; Skov, Karin; Schwarz Sørensen, Søren; Wennberg, Lars; Lindner, Per (2023-10-16)
    BACKGROUND: Kidney transplant candidates may be incompatible with their intended living donors because of the presence of antibodies against HLA and/or ABO. To increase the possibility of finding an acceptable kidney donor for these patients, the ...