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Browsing Landbúnaðarháskóli Íslands by Title

Browsing Landbúnaðarháskóli Íslands by Title

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  • Hejcman, M.; Hejcmanová, P.; Pavlů, V.; Thorhallsdottir, Anna Gudrun (Wiley-Blackwell, 2016-04-27)
    Woody species played, and in many Nordic regions still play, a very important role in livestock feeding. However, forage quality (contents of macroelements and fibre fractions) of the leaves of common woody species is often inadequate. The aim of our ...
  • Ævarsdóttir, Hrafnhildur; Thorhallsdottir, Anna Gudrun; Sigurjónsdottir, Hrefna (Agricultural University of Iceland, 2016-06)
    The Icelandic goat is an indigenous breed, descendant of goats brought to Iceland by Nordic and Celtic settlers in the 9th century (Adalsteinsson 1981). The population is estimated to have been below 1000 individuals for centuries and critically ...
  • Holmstrup, Martin; Ehlers, Bodil; Slotsbo, Stine; Ilieva-Makulec, Krassimira; Sigurdsson, Bjarni D.; Leblans, Niki; Ellers, Jacintha; Berg, Matty P. (Wiley, 2018-02-28)
    1. Human activities have caused global changes of atmospheric chemistry resulting in increased temperature especially in the colder regions of the northern hemisphere. Since warming of the environment can have drastic effects on terrestrial ecosys-tems ...
  • Eiríksson, Jón Hjalti; Sigurdsson, Agust; Jóhannesson, Guðmundur; Eythorsdottir, Emma (Agricultural University of Iceland, 2019)
    A total of 480,495 test-day yield records of 33,052 cows were used to estimate the genetic parameters for daily milk yield (MY), fat yield (FY), protein yield (PY) and somatic cell score (SCS) of Icelandic dairy cows in the first three lactations with ...
  • Xu, Song-Song; Gao, Lei; Xie, Xing-Long; Ren, Yan-Ling; Shen, Zhi-Qiang; Wang, Feng; Shen, Min; Eythorsdottir, Emma; Hallsson, Jon; Kiseleva, Tatyana; Kantanen, Juha; Li, Meng-Hua (Frontiers Media SA, 2018-04-10)
    Reproduction is an important trait in sheep breeding as well as in other livestock. However, despite its importance the genetic mechanisms of litter size in domestic sheep (Ovis aries) are still poorly understood. To explore genetic mechanisms underlying ...
  • Sigurdsson, Bjarni D.; Leblans, Niki; Dauwe, Steven; Guðmundsdóttir, Elín; Gundersen, Per; G. Gunnarsdóttir, Gunnhildur Eva; Holmstrup, Martin; Ilieva-Makulec, Krassimira; Kätterer, Thomas; Marteinsdóttir, Bryndís; Maljanen, Marja; Oddsdóttir, Edda Sigurdís; Ostonen, Ivika; Penuelas, Josep; Poeplau, Christopher; Richter, Andreas; Sigurðsson, Páll; van Bodegom, Peter; Wallander, Håkan; Weedon, James; Janssens, Ivan (Agricultural University of Iceland, 2016)
    This article describes how natural geothermal soil temperature gradients in Iceland have been used to study terrestrial ecosystem responses to soil warming. The experimental approach was evaluated at three study sites in southern Iceland; one grassland ...
  • Marañón Jiménez, Sara; Soong, Jennifer; Leblans, Niki; Sigurdsson, Bjarni D.; Penuelas, Josep; Richter, Andreas; Asensio, Dolores; Fransén, Erik A.; Janssens, Ivan (Springer Nature, 2018-04-17)
    Increasing temperatures can accelerate soil organic matter decomposition and release large amounts of CO2 to the atmosphere, potentially inducing positive warming feedbacks. Alterations to the temperature sensitivity and physiological functioning of ...
  • Petursdottir, Thorunn (2020-06)
    Every summer, free-roaming sheep graze large parts of Icelandic rangeland ecosystems, even though some of these rangeland areas are estimated to be in a severely eroded or even collapsed ecological condition. Improved rangeland management and ecosystem ...
  • Mandáková, Terezie; Thorbjörnsson, Hjörtur; Pisupati, Rahul; Reichardt, Ilka; Lysak, Martin A; Anamthawat-Jónsson, Kesara (Agricultural University of Iceland, 2017)
    In this paper, we report the first discovery of Arabidopsis thaliana in Iceland. In May 2015, the plants were located growing on warm geothermal soil around the hot spring Deildartunguhver in Reykholt, West Iceland. Flower buds and leaves were collected ...
  • Gudmundsson, Jon; Brink, Sigmundur H.; Arnalds, Olafur; Gisladottir, Fanney O.; Oskarsson, Hlynur (Society of Wetland Scientists, 2016-06-09)
    Iceland has inland wetland areas with soils exhibiting both Andosol and Histosol properties which are uncommon elsewhere on Earth. They are generally fertile, with higher bird-nest densities than in similar wetlands in the neighboring countries, with ...
  • Arnalds, Olafur; Dagsson-Waldhauserova, Pavla; Olafsson, Haraldur (International Society for Aeolian Research, 2016-02-15)
    Iceland has the largest area of volcaniclastic sandy desert on Earth or 22,000 km2. The sand has been mostly produced by glacio-fluvial processes, leaving behind fine-grained unstable sediments which are later re-distributed by repeated aeolian events. ...
  • Göransson, Magnus; Hallsson, Jon; Lillemo, Morten; Orabi, Jihad; Backes, Gunter; Jahoor, Ahmed; Hermannsson, Jónatan; Christerson, Therese; Tuvesson, Stine; Gertsson, Bo; Reitan, Lars; Alsheikh, Muath; Aikasalo, Reino; Isolahti, Mika; Veteläinen, Merja; Jalli, Marja; Krusell, Lene; Hjortshøj, Rasmus L.; Eriksen, Birger; Bengtsson, Therese (Frontiers Media SA, 2019-05-03)
    The northwards expansion of barley production requires adaptation to longer days, lower temperatures and stronger winds during the growing season. We have screened 169 lines of the current barley breeding gene pool in the Nordic region with regards to ...
  • Wittmann, Monika; Groot Zwaaftink, Christine; Steffensen Schmidt, Louise; Guðmundsson, Sverrir; Pálsson, Finnur; Arnalds, Olafur; Björnsson, Helgi; Thorsteinsson, Throstur; Stohl, Andreas (Copernicus GmbH, 2017-03-23)
    Deposition of small amounts of airborne dust on glaciers causes positive radiative forcing and enhanced melting due to the reduction of surface albedo. To study the effects of dust deposition on the mass balance of Brúarjökull, an outlet glacier of the ...
  • Gargallo-Garriga, Albert; Ayala-Roque, Marta; Sardans, Jordi; Bartrons, Mireia; Granda, Victor; Sigurdsson, Bjarni D.; Leblans, Niki; Oravec, Michal; Urban, Otmar; Janssens, Ivan; Penuelas, Josep (MDPI AG, 2017-08-23)
    Climate change is stronger at high than at temperate and tropical latitudes. The natural geothermal conditions in southern Iceland provide an opportunity to study the impact of warming on plants, because of the geothermal bedrock channels that induce ...
  • Hrafnkelsdóttir, Brynja (2020-06)
    Climate warming has had significant effects on insect herbivores in Iceland, including an increased rate of establishment of new species as well as changes in outbreak patterns and distribution of insect herbivores. Many of these herbivores live on ...
  • Boy, Michael; Thomson, Erik; Acosta Navarro, Juan C.; Arnalds, Olafur; Batchvarova, Ekaterina; Bäck, Jaana; Berninger, Frank; Bilde, Merete; Brasseur, Zoé; Dagsson-Waldhauserova, Pavla; Castarède, Dimitri; Dalirian, Maryam; de Leeuw, Gerrit; Dragosics, Monika; Duplissy, Ella-Maria; Duplissy, Jonathan; Ekman, Annica; Fang, Keyan; Gallet, Jean-Charles; Glasius, Marianne; Gryning, Sven-Erik; Grythe, Henrik; Hansson, Hans-Christen; Hansson, Margareta; Isaksson, Elisabeth; Iversen, Trond; Jonsdottir, Ingibjorg; Kasurinen, Ville; Kirkevåg, Alf; Korhola, Atte A.; Krejci, Radovan; Kristjánsson, Jón Egill; Lappalainen, Hanna K.; Lauri, Anniina; Leppäranta, Matti; Lihavainen, Heikki; Makkonen, Risto; Massling, Andreas; Meinander, Outi; Nilsson, Douglas; Olafsson, Haraldur; Pettersson, Jan B.C.; Prisle, Nønne; Riipinen, Ilona; Roldin, Pontus; Ruppel, Meri; Salter, Matthew; Sand, Maria; Seland, Øyvind; Seppä, Heikki; Skov, Henrik; Soares, Joana; Stohl, Andreas; Ström, Johan; Svensson, Jonas; Swietlicki, Erik; Tabakova, Ksenia; Thorsteinsson, Throstur; Virkkula, Aki; Weyhenmeyer, Gesa; Wu, Yusheng; Zieger, Paul; Kulmala, Markku (Copernicus GmbH, 2019-02-14)
    The Nordic Centre of Excellence CRAICC (Cryosphere–Atmosphere Interactions in a Changing Arctic Climate), funded by NordForsk in the years 2011–2016, is the largest joint Nordic research and innovation initiative to date, aiming to strengthen research ...
  • Andrésdóttir, Valgerður (Agricultural University of Iceland, 2018)
    Maedi-visna virus (MVV) is a lentivirus of sheep causing inflammation in many organs, primarily the lungs and CNS. HIV and SIV also belong to the lentivirus genus of retroviruses. MVV and HIV have many features in common, including genome organization, ...
  • Lenstra, J.A.; Tigchelaar, J.; Biebach, I.; Kantanen, J.; Nielsen, V.H.; Pompanon, F.; Naderi, S.; Rezaei, H.R.; Saether, N.; Ertugrul, O.; Grossen, C.; Camenisch, G.; Vos-Loohuis, M.; van Straten, M.; de Poel, E.A.; Windig, J.; Oldenbroek, K.; Hallsson, Jon (Wiley-Blackwell, 2016-06)
    In the last decades, several endangered breeds of livestock species have been re-established effectively. However, the successful revival of the Dutch and Danish Landrace goats involved crossing with exotic breeds and the ancestry of the current ...
  • Moroni, Beatrice; Arnalds, Olafur; Dagsson-Waldhauserova, Pavla; Crocchianti, Stefano; Vivani, Riccardo; Cappelletti, David (Frontiers Media SA, 2018-11-05)
    This work aims to identify the geochemical and mineralogical markers of Icelandic dust and to differentiate it from the dust of local origin deposited at the Ny-Ålesund station. We characterized representative sediment samples from Iceland and Svalbard ...
  • Palsdottir, Albina Hulda; Bläuer, Auli; Rannamäe, Eve; Boessenkool, Sanne; Hallsson, Jon (The Royal Society, 2019-10-02)
    With the advent of ancient DNA, as well as other methods such as isotope analysis, destructive sampling of archaeofaunal remains has increased much faster than the effort to collect and curate them. While there has been considerable discussion regarding ...