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Impact of tablet implementation for school development and families

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dc.contributor University of Iceland
dc.contributor.author Jakobsdóttir, Sólveig
dc.contributor.author Kjartansdóttir, Skúlína Hlíf
dc.date.accessioned 2024-09-20T01:00:59Z
dc.date.available 2024-09-20T01:00:59Z
dc.date.issued 2024
dc.identifier.citation Jakobsdóttir , S & Kjartansdóttir , S H 2024 , ' Impact of tablet implementation for school development and families ' , NERA 2024 , Malmö , Sweden , 6/03/24 - 8/03/24 pp. 203 .
dc.identifier.citation conference
dc.identifier.other 229218990
dc.identifier.other 0f30a2f2-1dec-44f6-8bbc-4d05f30d81be
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/5003
dc.description.abstract The presentation is on results of an evaluation study on the implementation of tablets (1:1 learning) in an Icelandic school district with 9 schools 2015–2021. The main aim was to study effects of tablet use on personalisation of learning, students' satisfaction, responsibility, motivation for learning; digital literacies, learning outcomes and empowerment. The research also focused on teachers‘ digital competencies, learning materials, tablet use and their influence on teaching methods and learning activities. The theoretical framework involved social-cultural theories with emphasis on social learning, digital literacies, technological development and institutional expansive learning. The attitudes of students, teachers and parents in all nine schools were assessed with surveys and district staff was interviewed. Class observations were made in three of nine schools with students of 5th, 7th and 10th grade and teachers, principals and students interviewed. Data was furthermore collected with the EU Selfie tool in all nine schools from administrators, teachers and students. Students' aquisition of a personal learning tool suggested a fundamental change of learning, some teachers gradually abondoned traditional ways of teaching and their control of the learning situation dimished, while students‘ access to knowledge and tools increased. The tablets' affordances seemed to support students‘ initiative, agency and independence, and the development of their their digital technical skills and literacies. They also impacted teachers‘ work, with the introduction of new learning ecologies, learning management systems, assessment systems and tools or apps in most subjects. These affordances furthermore encouraged mobile learning, development of multimodal literacies and collaborative learning environments. The implementation went on to benefit teachers and students alike during the Covid-19 period. The implementation did not progress without hindrances or differences of opinions. The results, especially with regards to attitudes of participants, can be viewed as a circle model of expansive learning where unity and struggle of opposites interfere with each other, caused by differing opinions and tensions, but ultimately result in development and advancement of school activities and learning environments (Engeström og Sannino, 2010). Digitalisation in the Nordics has be evolving at a fast pace in recent years. It contributes to the advanced state of education, setting the Nordics as one of the worlds best-educated population in Europe. Good infrastructure and coverage of household internet access sets the Nordic Region as a digital pioneer and schools follow suit by implementing tablets and internet access for all children, testifying to the progress (Nordic Council and Nordic Council of of Ministers, Nd.). This research informs about the approaches in tablet implementation and the agency of teachers and learners in adapting digital learning tools and methods. Engeström, Y. og Sannino, A. (2010). Studies of expansive learning: Foundations, findings and future challenges. Educational Research Review (2010), 5(1), 1-24. 10.1016/j.edurev.2009.12.002 Nordic Council and Nordic Council of of Ministers. (Nd.). Education, research and digitalisation in the Nordic Region. Norden.org. https://www.norden.org/en/information/education-research-and-digitalisation-nordic-region
dc.format.extent 1
dc.format.extent 1670774
dc.format.extent 203
dc.language.iso en
dc.relation.ispartofseries ; ()
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.subject tablet computers in schools
dc.subject digital learning
dc.title Impact of tablet implementation for school development and families
dc.type /dk/atira/pure/researchoutput/researchoutputtypes/contributiontoconference/abstract
dc.description.version Peer reviewed
dc.relation.url https://sv-se.eu.invajo.com/events/getinvitationfile/eventId/813fac80-aea8-11ed-85b1-3b1d50885dc4/docId/e3ae9900-d570-11ee-b2b4-e15571e1b7a9
dc.contributor.department Faculty of Subject Teacher Education

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