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Áhrif undirbúningstíma á fagmennsku leikskólakennara og gæði leikskólastarfs

Áhrif undirbúningstíma á fagmennsku leikskólakennara og gæði leikskólastarfs

Title: Áhrif undirbúningstíma á fagmennsku leikskólakennara og gæði leikskólastarfs
Alternative Title: Preschool teacher’s preparation time
Author: Hreinsdóttir, Anna Magnea
Karlsdóttir, Kristín
Björnsdóttir, Margrét Sigríður
Ólafsdóttir, Sara Margrét   orcid.org/0000-0001-9473-0423
Date: 2022-08-24
Language: Icelandic
Scope: 19
Department: Deild kennslu- og menntunarfræði
Series: Netla; ()
ISSN: 1670-0244
DOI: DOI: https://doi.org/10.24270/netla.2022.10
Subject: Leikskólar; Undirbúningstími; Gæði; Leikskólakennarar; Fagmennska; Preschool; Preparation time; Quality; Preschool teachers; Professionalism; Menntun
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/3671

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Hreinsdóttir , A M , Karlsdóttir , K , Björnsdóttir , M S & Ólafsdóttir , S M 2022 , ' Áhrif undirbúningstíma á fagmennsku leikskólakennara og gæði leikskólastarfs ' , Netla . https://doi.org/DOI: https://doi.org/10.24270/netla.2022.10


Tími sem ætlaður er leikskólakennurum til undirbúnings starfsins var lengdur töluvert frá því sem áður var í kjarasamningum árið 2020. Í þessari grein er sagt frá rannsókn sem gerð var í átta leikskólum á Íslandi með það að markmiði að varpa ljósi á skipulag og framkvæmd undirbúningstíma leikskólakennara. Tilgangurinn var að skoða áhrif aukins undirbúningstíma á fagmennsku leikskólakennara og gæði leikskólastarfs. Leitað var svara við hvernig fyrirkomulagi undirbúningstíma er háttað og hver er forgangsröðun þeirra verkefna sem unnin eru. Er greinin hluti af stærra rannsóknarverkefni sem unnið er innan Rannsóknarstofu um menntunarfræði ungra barna. Tekin voru viðtöl víðs vegar um landið við leikskólastjóra, deildarstjóra og leikskólakennara, samtals 24 viðmælendur. Voru þeir beðnir um að lýsa þeim aðstæðum sem undirbúningstíminn fer fram í, á hvaða tíma dagsins og hvernig verkefnum er forgangsraðað. Niðurstöður sýndu að almenn ánægja var með aukningu á tíma til að undirbúa starfið. Undirbúningstími var yfirleitt nýttur utan deildar og voru verkefnin oftast unnin í tölvu. Forgangsröðun verkefna tók mið af áætlanagerð og árstíðabundnum verkefnum. Allur gangur var á því hvenær dags undirbúningsvinna fór fram. Lýstu margir viðmælenda áhyggjum yfir mikilli fjarveru kennara af deildum. Mikill munur reyndist vera á þeim heildartíma sem leikskólar hafa til undirbúnings starfsins eftir því hve margir leikskólakennarar voru starfandi í leikskólanum. Skiptar skoðanir voru meðal viðmælenda um á hvaða forsendum úthluta ætti undirbúningstíma til leikskóla. Sú aðferð sem notuð er til úthlutunar undirbúningstíma hefur falið í sér ójöfnuð, sem með fleiri tímum hefur aukist enn frekar. Sá ójöfnuður hlýtur óhjákvæmilega að koma niður á gæðum starfs í leikskólunum, þar með leik, umönnun og námi barna.
The aim of the study was to explore how preschools organize teacher’s preparation time and how they prioritize the tasks carried out. The purpose was to see the impact preparation time has on the teacher’s professionalism and the quality of children’s play, learning and communication in the preschools. The article describes a study carried out within the Centre for Research in Early Childhood Education at the University of Iceland for the purpose of following up on a recent change in wage agreements Iceland in 2021 where preschool teachers’ time for planning, preparation and assessment was considerably increased. According to these agreements, preschool teachers have from 7 – 10 hours each week for their preparation. The study seeks support from research and theories on teachers’ professionalism, the quality of preschool activities and ideas about learning communities in schools, where preschool teachers collaborate and learn from each other. In this article, the focus is on answering two research questions: How is preparation time arranged and what are the priorities of projects carried out during preparation? Eight preschools were purposely selected to be represented in the study and the data mainly builds on interviews with one preschool leader, one department head and one preschool teacher in each of the schools: a total of 24 participants. The interviewees were asked to describe how preparation time was organized; what time of day preparation was carried out, how tasks were prioritized and what resources were available to preschool teachers in their preparation. The results reveal preschool teachers’ general satisfaction with having increased time for preparing their work with the children. Nevertheless, diverse opinions appeared towards the way criteria for the preparation time were allocated to preschools. To some extent, the data is influenced by the way preparation time is planned in primary schools, possibly related to the importance of making pre-school teachers’ working hours comparable to those of primary school teachers. The preparation usually took place outside the classroom/department and the preschool teachers’ tasks were frequently done by computer. Facilities for the teachers’ computer use while preparing varied and there was not room for many teachers at the same time. The weekly time teachers chose for their preparation varied. Some took one full day and part of another day; others chose to use a few hours every day to plan their work. Some participants expressed concern about the increased absence of teachers from interacting with the children. The participants considered it most important to prepare daily preschool practice and attend to the learning environment, material and surroundings inside the school. Preschools in Iceland have much in common with preschools in the other Nordic countries. Teachers, through their professionalism, play a central role, and the quality of preschool practice strongly relies on the processes of communication and care in the preschool, how children’s needs are met and in what way their well-being, learning and development is ensured.

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