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Hreyfing íslenskra grunnskólanema

Hreyfing íslenskra grunnskólanema

Titill: Hreyfing íslenskra grunnskólanema
Aðrir titlar: Physical activity among Icelandic adolescents HBSC
Höfundur: Gísladóttir, Þórdís Lilja
Vilhjálmsson, Rúnar
Rögnvaldsdóttir, Vaka   orcid.org/0000-0003-4244-3152
Útgáfa: 2022-02-08
Tungumál: Íslenska
Umfang: 17
Svið: Heilbrigðisvísindasvið
Deild: Deild heilsueflingar, íþrótta og tómstunda
Birtist í: Netla; ()
ISSN: 1670-0244
DOI: 10.24270/serritnetla.2021.8
Efnisorð: Hreyfing (heilsurækt); Íþróttaþátttaka; Unglingar; Efnahagsleg staða; Fjölskyldugerð; Búseta; Physical Activity; Sport participation; Adolescents; Socioeconomic status; Family structure; rural/urban; Menntun
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11815/3480

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Gísladóttir , Þ L , Vilhjálmsson , R & Rögnvaldsdóttir , V 2022 , ' Hreyfing íslenskra grunnskólanema ' , Netla . https://doi.org/10.24270/serritnetla.2021.8


Gildi hreyfingar fyrir líkamlega og andlega heilsu er vel þekkt. Þrátt fyrir þá vitneskju dregur úr hreyfingu frá barnsaldri til unglingsára og almennt er hreyfingu ábótavant. Því er mikilvægt að kanna hreyfingu barna og unglinga með það fyrir augum að efla hana og sporna við hreyfingarleysi. Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að kanna umfang líkamlegrar hreyfingar íslenskra grunnskólanema í 6., 8. og 10. bekk og tengsl hennar við kyn, aldur, uppruna, fjölskyldugerð, efnahag og búsetu. Sérstaklega var athugað hve hátt hlutfall nemendanna næði ráðlagðri 60 mínútna hreyfingu daglega. Unnið var úr gögnum úr landskönnuninni Heilsa og lífskjör skólanema (Health Behavior in School-aged Children - HBSC) sem fór fram árið 2018. Alls tóku 6.102 nemendur í 6., 8. og 10. bekk úr 86 grunnskólum á landinu þátt í rannsókninni. Spurningalistar voru lagðir fyrir nemendur og meðal annars var spurt um fjölda daga á viku sem þátttakendur stunduðu „líkamlega hreyfingu samanlagt í 60 mínútur eða meira á dag“. Þá var einnig spurt um kyn og bekkjardeild, efnahagslega stöðu fjölskyldu, uppruna foreldra, fjölskyldugerð og búsetu. Að meðaltali stundaði nemendahópurinn líkamlega hreyfingu í 4,5 daga í viku. Einungis 21% nemenda náði viðmiði um ráðlagða daglega hreyfingu. Fleiri piltar en stúlkur náðu viðmiðum um hreyfingu og fleiri nemendur í 6. bekk samanborið við eldri nemendur. Nemendur sem tilheyrðu fjölskyldum með lakari efnahag, bjuggu ekki með báðum kynforeldrum, eða áttu foreldra af erlendum uppruna, náðu síður viðmiðum um ráðlagða hreyfingu. Ekki var munur á hreyfingu grunnskólanema eftir búsetu þeirra. Vinna þarf að hreyfieflingu grunnskólanema með fræðslu um gildi hennar, daglegum hreyfistundum á skólatíma og markvissum íþróttatímum. Jafna þarf þátttöku barna í íþróttum utan skólans með aðkomu sveitarfélaganna. Fjölga þarf möguleikum til hreyfingar fyrir alla utan húss og innan í sveitarfélögum landsins.
The value of physical activity for physical and mental health is well known. Despite this knowledge, exercise decreases from childhood to adolescence and, in general, exercise is deficient. It is, therefore, important to study the physical activity of children and adolescents with the intention of promoting it and combating inactivity. The aim of this study was to examine the extent of physical activity of Icelandic compulsory school students in 6th, 8th, and 10th grade and its relationship to gender, age, national origin, family structure, economic status, and place of residence, as well as examining the proportion of students who achieve 60 minutes of recommended physical activity daily. Data was derived from the national survey Health Behavior in School-aged Children (HBSC) conducted in 2018. Participants in the study were 6,102 students in 6th, 8th and 10th grade in the country’s compulsory schools. Questionnaires were administered to students asking about the number of days per week that participants engaged in “physical activity for a total of 60 minutes or more per day”. Students also answered questions about their sex and school grade, the economic status of the family, the national origin of their parents, their family structure, and place of residence. On average, the students engaged in physical activity for 4.5 days a week and the proportion of students who reached the recommended daily physical activity was only 21.0%. More boys than girls achieved recommended physical activity and more students in 6th grade achieved recommended physical activity than older students. Students who came from families of lower economic status, other family structure than living with both biological parents, and who had parents of foreign origin reached recommended physical activity less often than their counterparts. There was no difference in physical activity between students living in rural and urban areas. Physical education within schools is a meaningful and purposeful part of a student’s education. Lack of physical activity among children and adolescents calls for increased physical activity during school hours. For physical education teachers there is an opportunity to emphasize the core values of physical activity, exercise, and sports participation for both physical, mental, and social well-being. Participation of children and adolescents within sport clubs needs to be more equal, with involvement of the municipalities, highlighting physical activity for everyone both in rural and urban areas.


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