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Fletta eftir efnisorði "Þjóðfélagsstéttir"

Fletta eftir efnisorði "Þjóðfélagsstéttir"

Röðun: Raða: Niðurstöður:

  • Nylund, Mattias; Rosvall, Per-Åke; Eiriksdottir, Elsa; Holm, Ann-Sofie; Isopahkala-Bouret, Ulpukka; Niemi, Anna-Maija; Ragnarsdóttir, Guðrún (Informa UK Limited, 2018-01-02)
    In this study we examine how the academic–vocational divide is manifested today in Finland, Iceland and Sweden in the division between vocationally (VET) and academicallyoriented programmes at the upper-secondary school level. The paper is based on a ...
  • Auðardóttir, Auður Magndís (University of Iceland, School of Education, Faculty of Education and Diversity, 2021-04-15)
    This thesis aims to explore how power relations are reproduced through parental choices and practices in Iceland, with a focus on classed and gendered dimensions. The thesis can be viewed as two separate yet connected parts. In the first part, I ...
  • Auðardóttir, Auður Magndís; Kosunen, Sonja (SAGE Publications, 2020-05-29)
    This study aims to explore the social and ethnic background of pupils admitted to private schools at the compulsory level in Iceland so as to identify possible social class segregation between public and private schools. Additionally, we examine how ...
  • Oddsson, Guðmundur (Félagsfræðingafélag Íslands, 2020-10-22)
    Markmið rannsóknarinnar er að greina hvaða áhrifaþættir ráða mestu um það hvar einstaklingar sjá sig í íslenska stéttakerfinu, einkum hvort viðkomandi sjái sig í millistétt eða ofar. Gögnin koma úr alþjóðlegu viðhorfakönnuninni International Social ...
  • Jónsson, Þorlákur Axel (2020-01-06)
    Um áratugaskeið hafa yfirvöld menntamála hér á landi kynnt niðurstöður samræmdra prófa og PISA-rannsóknar OECD þannig að búseta sé önnur lykilbreytan til skýringar á námsframmistöðu ásamt kyni. Framleiðsla stjórnsýslu menntamála á þekkingu á tengslum ...
  • Auðardóttir, Auður Magndís; Magnúsdóttir, Berglind Rós (Informa UK Limited, 2020-09-21)
    The study explores how mothers in Iceland, a relatively new nation state that is perceived as being gender equal, classless and homogeneous, adapt and respond to international trends of consumer cultures. Building on studies about parental neighbourhood ...
  • Helgason, Agnar (Institute of Public Administration and Politics - Icelandic Review of Politics and Administration, 2018-12-13)
    Conventional wisdom suggests that occupational class plays a limited role in explaining vote choice in Iceland. In this paper, we argue that the death of class in Icelandic politics may be premature and that it still plays a role in structuring political ...
  • Oddsson, Guðmundur (Félagsfræðingafélag Íslands, 2011)
    Markmið þessarar rannsóknar er að greina hvernig hugmyndir um stéttleysi Íslendinga birtast í almennri orðræðu. Gögnin sem liggja til grundvallar eru fyrst og fremst fréttir og greinar í Morgunblaðinu frá árinu 1986 til 2007. Einnig er stuðst við afleidd ...
  • Kristinsson, Gunnar Helgi (Stofnun stjórnsýslufræða og stjórnmála við Háskóla Íslands, 2018-05-30)
    Political scientists have developed three main interpretations of the Icelandic power structure – namely, traditional elitism, competitive elitism and professional pluralism. These can be seen to some extent as successive regimes, with traditional ...
  • Oddsson, Guðmundur (Félagsfræðingafélag Íslands, 2019)
    Stéttagreining er eitt helsta áherslusvið félagsfræði og skarast við flest sérsvið fræðigreinarinnar. Stéttagreining vísar til fræðilegs sjónarhorns sem byggir á rannsóknum á ýmsum birtingarmyndum stéttaskiptingar. Rekja má stéttagreiningu á ...
  • Oddsson, Guðmundur (Félagsfræðingafélag Íslands, 2010)
    The purpose of this paper is to tap Icelanders' class awareness in the wake of the 2008 economic collapse, using recent Icelandic survey data and 2005 World Values Survey data. The data are analyzed using a synthesis of Weber's theory of class and ...
  • Auðardóttir, Auður Magndís (Routledge, 2021-11-09)
    The aim of this study is to analyse working-class mothers’ narratives of social interactions among parents at their children’s schools. A special focus is paid to the emotions that arise in such interactions and their role in the reproduction of class. ...