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Browsing by School "Verkfræði og náttúrusvið (HÍ)"

Browsing by School "Verkfræði og náttúrusvið (HÍ)"

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  • Olson, Sarah Christine (2024-12)
    To stay within the 1.5 degree warming limit, changes to lifestyle and personal consumption are necessary to mitigate the effects of climate change. From a consumptive perspective, the emissions from affluent countries and individuals are greatly exceeding ...
  • Sigurðardóttir, Álfheiður Edda (University of Iceland, School of engineering and natural sciences, Faculty of physical sciences, 2024-09)
    We study the rings of polynomials in several complex variables whose exponents are restricted to the dilates of a compact convex set that contains the origin. We study the properties of weighted extremal functions associated to these polynomial rings, ...